- Target:
- Target: Animal Welfare Division, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Region:
- Australia
The RSPCA in Australia nor the Australian Veterinary Association support breed specific legislation, also known as BSL. They consider that any dog of any size, breed or mix of breeds may be dangerous and thus dogs should not be declared dangerous on the basis of breed or appearance. Each individual dog should be assessed based on their behaviour.
The RSPCA does not believe that BSL is in any way effective in preventing or reducing dog attacks or in protecting the public from dangerous dogs. Pitbull breeds are restricted breed in some parts of Australia. Bsl Laws target the Breed unlike and not what the dog has done (aggression, bite or injury someone). No breed of dog is born mean or aggressive. Irresponsible owners and uneducated owners are to blame. How are pitbull breed dogs considered different to other fighting, working dogs?
In reality owners are more responsible for their dogs behaviour than the genetics or breed of their animal. Furthermore there are myriad of enforcement issues with BSL as breeds cannot be confirmed by physical characteristics or dna. BSL is unenforceable and does not target the real cause of dog bites. Inappropriate animal management..
All we need are some ways to manage the small number of dog that do bite. And this has nothing to do with breeds.
* BSL does not improve the safety of the public or prevent dog attacks
* BSL does not address the potential victims of non-targeted breed dog attacks
* BSL requires every dog to be identified as a specific breed. This is ineffective as there are no genetic markers for ‘pit bulls’, as it is a type not a breed. There are also countless crossbreeds that could be deemed to be a ‘pit bull’ type
* BSL results in innocent dogs being killed because of their appearance and without reason or justification
* BSL punishes responsible owners because of the way their dog looks and makes targeted breeds more desirable to irresponsible or criminal owners.
* BSL affects the mental health of the dogs and their owners to the events of a dog being seized and euthanized.
The community deserves to be kept safe from dog attacks by the best possible laws. The overwhelming evidence from many reaserachs is that BSL is ineffective in preventing dog attacks worldwide. BSL laws are being revoked
The current laws should be reviewed for effectiveness. E.g. Calgary model be explored.
*. Registration of all dogs.
*. A national database to track dog bites incidents consistently with mandatory reporting
*. Education of the whole community including pet owners. Breeders. Parents and children as research has shown education is effective in reducing dog bites.
*. Enforcement and resourcing to ensure compliance.
We understand that dogs aren't human but to focus a law around one breed is animal racism. So many family friendly loving pets have been killed or in shelters for years at a time.
Council wastes money and taxpayers money on so called dangerous dogs..
Etc MILO, SONNY, KERSER just to name a few victims of BSL restrictions in Australia.
Pitbull, Staffy bull breeds are the most popular breed in the world. Of course media will make a deal about it anything that's sells papers and gains headlines in news.
Most attacks are from irresponsible owners not teaching and looking after there dogs properly. Why does everyone have to suffer because of idiots and irrisponsible owners? AVSAB an American national association of veterinarians who are board certified in the specialty of animal behaviours released a statement expressing their opposition and dislike for BSL and what it stands for, that such legislation (BSL) is ineffective, and can lead to false sense of community safety as well as welfare of the dogs identified and their loving owners.
https://m.facebook.com/bringbackthepitbullsinaustralia AUSTRALIA...
Petition: We, the undersigned, call on the Animal Welfare Division of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Jaala Pulford, the minister for agriculture in Victoria to overturn council legislation allowing the euthanasia of innocent Pitbulls and Pitbull crossbreds. We also call on these governing to look at the implementation of the Calgary Model which has proven to be effective in reducing dog bites and attacks, encouraging dog owners to be responsible and creating a safer community for all , both dog and owners and non dog owners.
It is time to stand together to end this law that restricts pitbull breeds in our country.
Average Pit Bull breeds in Average Homes are Average Dogs
This study provides the much needed evidence proving that pit bull type dogs do not harbor genetic aggression. Otherwise, we would have seen aggression in the neutral home environment. Thus, legislation should focus on the environment and irresponsible owners. And the deed not the breed.
Please if you can help or offer suggestions please do so.
As a responsible pet owner, I register & license my dogs yearly. We know that banning these breeds has not stopped breeders from breeding them, nor has it stopped the number of dog bites in the city. As we know any breed of dog can bite, so can cats & we don't put a ban on them.
I think that the people who put the ban in place, should better educate themselves on the different breeds of dogs before they dictate a breed specific legislation. As they are crucifying the Pit Bulls, Staffordshires & Bully cross breeds, there are many other purebred dogs that are bred for fighting!
WHO & HOW do they justify their decision & WHY did they ban that specific breed?! The only reason the ban is on these dogs, is there are more articles in the news, you never hear them talking about Labs, Poodles, Dobermans, or any other breed like they persecute the Pit Bulls/ Staffordshires! How many times have you seen good things mentioned in the media about the breed, they don't, instead they show us pics like of Michael Vicks, dog fighting farm ( Bad Newz Kennels )!
It's people like him ( Michael Vick, the owner ) that gives the breed ( Pit Bulls/ Staffordshires ) a bad name!! It's time to take a step forward & lift the ban on these animals & start punishing the deed, not the breed! Thank you & PLEASE consider or hold a hearing to reinstate the Pit Bull, Staffordshires, & cross breeds! They are animals, not monsters!
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The Stop the ban on Pitbull Breeds in Australia petition to Target: Animal Welfare Division, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry was written by Kevin Vavra and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.