- Target:
- The DOT and the City of New York
- Region:
- United States of America
There is a clear and present danger to pedestrians and automobile traffic resulting from the lack of an "All-Ways Stop Sign" at the intersection of Elm Ave and East 12th Street.
Cars turning the corner from Coney Island Ave onto Elm Ave have no signage instructing them to slow down and they can not see other vehicles going down East 12th St.
Many accidents have occurred. For example, a school bus turning the corner got smashed in the middle by an SUV during December.
There is a public school, PS 199, on the block and two private schools, Bais Yaacov Academy (BYA) and Gamla College, one block over.
The DOT agreed to put a stop-sign up but then changed its mind.
We fear for our children and petition the DOT and the City of New York to put up a stop sign immediately.
Thank you.
We, the under-signed, hereby petition the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the City of New York to install an “All-Ways Stop Sign” or a traffic light at the intersection of East 12th and Elm Avenue.
There is an incredible danger to the many children attending P.S. 199 and Bais Yaakov Academy (BYA) from the speeding cars coming down Elm Ave from Coney Island Avenue.
Additionally, drivers coming down East 12th cannot see other cars turning from Coney Island Ave. We have witnessed many accidents at this intersection.
The DOT agreed to place an "All-ways Stop Sign" at the intersection, but then reneged on its promise.
Therefore, we demand that the DOT tackle this issue immediately and begin work on a stop sign or traffic light.
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The Stop Sign on Elm Ave and East 12th St petition to The DOT and the City of New York was written by Yaakov Abadi and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.