Planning NI
United Kingdom

A planning application to erect a five turbine wind farm on Myroe Levels by a company from Cork, Myroe Wind Farm Ltd, is imminent. The site is located approximately four miles northwest of Limavady, on the shores of Lough Foyle.

The proposed wind farm is to be located on reclaimed farmland owned by John Gilliland and John Jameson. The site is adjacent to Lough Foyle and bounded to the east by the Coleraine / Derry railway line and embankment.

The turbines will be 120 metres high, almost a third of the height of nearby Mount Binevenagh. Along with the five turbines a power substation and 11.5 km (six miles) of overhead cables will be erected.

The site is surrounded by not one but eight statutory designated nature conservation areas: Lough Foyle SPA, Lough Foyle Ramsar, Lough Foyle ASSI, River Roe and Tributaries Special Area for Conservation, River Roe and Tributaries ASSI, Aghanloo Wood ASSI, Binevenagh SAC, Binevenagh ASSI. Part of the Lough Foyle SPA that lies adjacent to the south western part of the site is an RSPB reserve.

The development is therefore slap bang in the middle of internationally significant populations of Whooper swan, pale-bellied Brent geese, wigeon and bar-tailed godwits. Nationally important concentrations of Bewick's swan, Greenland white-fronted goose, curlew and redshank also overwinter in the area.

We strongly believe the proposed site at Myroe to be totally unsuitable site for wind farm development and that the proposal will have a detrimental effect on:

* the unique landscape of Myroe Levels, Lough Foyle and Mount Binevenagh
* the environment, including internationally and nationally important populations of wild fowl
* Limavady’s potential tourism economy.

The proposal from Myroe Wind Farm Ltd is speculative, ill-considered and nowhere near robust enough to assure local people that the development will not endanger what is a unique local, national, and international resource.

Please sign our petition to express your support in our campaign to Stop Myroe Wind Farm.

We, the undersigned, object to the proposal by Myroe Wind Farm Ltd to site a wind farm at Myroe Levels.

We strongly believe the proposed site at Myroe to be totally unsuitable for wind farm development and that the proposal will have a detrimental effect on:

- the unique land and lough scape of Myroe Levels, Lough Foyle and Binevenagh mountain
- the environment, including internationally and nationally important populations of wild fowl
- Myroe’s tourism economy
- the quality of life and rights of the local community.

We strongly urge Planning NI to reject the proposal.

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The Stop Myroe Wind Farm petition to Planning NI was written by Stop Myroe Wind Farm and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.