#Animal Welfare

The Palm Oil industry is the greatest threat to Orangutan's in the wild. On average, it costs the lives of about 50 orangutans per week. This means that more than 2,600 Orangutans die every single year simply so that we can enjoy products such as TimTams, Pringles and many more

In the time that it takes you to read and sign this petition, another Orangutan may have died as a consequence of the savage Palm-Oil companies drive to get rich, regardless of the environmental consequences.

Orangutans share 98% of our DNA, and yet we're killing them off as if they are nothing more than garbage. You can help put an end to this mindless murder now by signing this petition. YOU can make a difference.

We, the undersigned, call on Arnott's to stop using deadly Palm Oil in any of their products.

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The Stop Arnott's Use of Deadly Palm Oil petition to Arnott's was written by S.H.O.U.T. and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.