#Human Rights
To modify the outdated dress code
United States of America

In 2017 women have made miraculous changes with how we are allowing to be treated. Many men were exposed after Harvey Weinstein was finally outed such as Matt Lowe, John Lasseter, Ed west wick, and many more! I believe these tendencies are learned young and where our school's dress code plays a part is preventable. Every school has a different dress code but through methodical investigation through speaking with many different women attending different high schools I came to the conclusion that they are all centered the same idea. That idea being that women are instructed to shield themselves so they aren't "distracting" to their peers meaning the boy's. I am told to over my bra straps because their distracting and then if I don't wear a bra i'm a slut. This system is at major fault.

Us as women still to this day are told to "sit back and look pretty". We are silenced and told our opinions don't have value. We are told to cover up and be conservative but when we do we are told were prude and boring. We've been told "boys will be boys" since we were young. Now we let them "be boys". We lose site of our value because we are told we have little, we don't see ourselves as beautiful we see ourselves as a toy, and we allow boy's to disrespect us because thats all we've ever known. Now is the time we take back our power and never allow another unwanted hand upon us nor verbal harassment. Together we will establish a world where boy's won't be boy's they will be men. So now it's time to start making them act like one.

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The School dress code petition to To modify the outdated dress code was written by kamre and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

women rights