Radio Disc-Jockey

Reggae Music is dying it's being replaced on our airwaves by Hip Hop sounding beats.

Help us get the message to the media house to preserve out heritage our culture our gem.

We are reaching out to all Radio Disc-Jockeys to least play 10 minutes of foundation reggae music in their program, this is not a generation gap or are we differentiating betweens eras, this is for the preservation of reggae music.

Some Radio Dis-Jock do not pay homage to foundation reggae music , it is not even on their playlist, while others have shelved foundation reggae and replaced it with hip hop sounding beats that is being produced in Jamaica.

Our youths are not exposed to the work that our icons did to set the foundation and artists like Dennis Brown, Alton Elis , Culture, Delroy Wilson, Cynthia Schloss, Hortense Ellis, Gregory Issacs, are no longer here to showcase their work, so we must play our part in keeping their legacy alive.

If you think there should be more foundation reggae on your radio, please sign this petition.

Like us on Facebook @ Save Foundation Reggae Music

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The Save Foundation Reggae petition to Radio Disc-Jockey was written by Mr Vegas and is in the category Music at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

music save Reggae