#Civil Rights
Krew Discord Server Admins

Hi, My name is Evan, from the YouTube channel Funnehmemer, I'm 15 from Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm a fan of ItsFunneh and the Krew.
When I serve up food in the Café channel in the Krew Discord Server, Lil Tay was being unfair to me. When I upvoted (upvoted in this case means that I have claimed the order). Lil Tay just claimed my order and served up the order first before me, THREE TIMES. And that is a form of unfairness and I DO NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL, SO ARE HUMANS AND SO ARE WE.
I pinged the admins about it, meaning that I report to them, Lil Tay was playing unfair. I told them Lil Tay was being unfair to me. And they reject and kept blaming me, over and over. I was being REALLY HONEST AND MY HEART AND REAL LIFE WAS H O N E S T to them, but they kept blaming me. I resist and kept getting mad about it, because if people is being and playing unfair and people kept blaming you, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
I'm still fighting the good fight and fighting for what is right. My heart is caring, loving and not like other hearts who is rebelling just for badness.
I'm different from all that and you can trust me, I'm being honest to you guys.
So then, Heisen removed my chef role, and I cannot apply to it ANYMORE. Heisen officially puts the ban hammer on me. And that's unfair too.
So people, we need to make a petition and a demonstration about it. Go to the Krew Discord server and resist against the unfairness. We can do this krewfams. Resist the bad, make the good, For krewfams. For everyone.
Join at General to begin the demonstration.
I'm waiting for you to fight for WHAT'S RIGHT. Join the fight, NOW.

We, the undersigned, call on the Krew Discord Server Admins to bring back Funnehmemer the chef role and make a new system for the chefs.

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The #RESISTTHEUNFAIRNESS petition to Krew Discord Server Admins was written by Evan Halim and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

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