United States of America

The Hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 left Indian River and St Lucie Counties of Florida with hundreds of lost, sunken or otherwise derelict boats. These boats are left as a hazard to marine life, humans and other boats.

Gasoline, oil and other fluids leak out of these vessels as they decay poisoning and harming the environment. Maritime and civil laws interfere with the removal of these vessels and monies are lacking to fund a project.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Florida Governor and Legislators to set aside some of the current stimulus funds to create a $2million fund and allow recognized and authorised not-for-profit organizations to petition to acquire authorization from local offices and locate, raise or otherwise remove derelict vessels, then locate owners or insurance companies with titles and recover expenses or, properly dispose of vessels of unknown origin, to protect and improve the environment.

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The Remove derelict vessel from the Indian River lagoon petition to florida was written by donald voss and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.