Sonic 2 Fans

Hidden Palace Zone is the most famous of the "lost levels" from Sonic 2 Simon Wai prototype, partly because it remains in a corrupted form on the final version of the cart, but also because of the number of magazines it was shown in. It is an underground level with water, featuring sparkling gems.

There is a glowing bridge that is actually the same object as the bridge in Emerald Hill Zone but it checks the level number to make it glow. The idea of a bridge that will glow when Sonic runs on it was reused in Sonic 3's IceCap Zone.

There is also a large ramp in the level that can't be climbed up (However, if a platform is placed on the ramp with debug mode it can be walked up normally). A second act can be accessed also, but it is nearly empty.

I, the undersigned, agree for Sega to create a remake of the 1992 Genesis hit Sonic The Hedgehog 2, and bring back the unreleased level Hidden Palace Zone.

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The Re-release Sonic 2 Bring Hidden Palace Zone Back! petition to Sonic 2 Fans was written by Keenan and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.