- Target:
- United Kingdom
- Region:
As main organizer of this petition, I would like to add a brief note. The approach to this petition has been long and tedious; over two years striving continuously to seek for a higher lever of accountability and consistency of websites to host this project.
This petition in the past was once approved to be hosted by 10 Downing Street; however, it only gained 14 signatures over the duration of two years, therefore, a global watch was needed this time, and I personally would like to thank the staff here for hosting this petition once again.
Your support is important, even if you had re-signed in the past, or are not so much involved in Francis Bacon. Please view, acknowledge, and sign this cause.
At the time of its submission, we shall submit it to the Organization that will assist in the cause to re-issue or consider a posthumous pardon to Francis Bacon.
If you have any questions as to why Bacon should be granted a pardon, or hold doubts as to which Organization this petition will be submitted to, you are very welcome to send your inquiries to me by sending me a message here.
Thank you.
Elaine M. Dutton
Please help us restore Francis Bacon’s name and sign this online pardon. Francis Bacon should be recognized and pardoned by the current British government, which will be a just act, well behind schedule.
“I often advisedly and deliberately throw aside the dignity of my name.”
—Francis Bacon (“De Augmentis”, Vol. VII.)
On November 17, 1834, Basil Montagu wrote in his Preface to his “Works of Francis Bacon” Volume Vol. I., published in 1850:
“His Lordship [Bacon] owned it under his hand that he was frail, and did partake of the abuses of the times; and surely he was a partaker of their severities also. The great cause of his suffering is, to some, a secret. I leave them to find it out by his words to King James.”
Montagu then goes on to give Bacon’s words written to James in a letter dated March 25, 1620:
‘I wish, that as I am the first, so I may be the last of sacrifices in your times: and when, from private appetite, it is resolved that a creature shall be sacrificed, it is easy to pick up sticks enough from any thicket whither it hath strayed, to make a fire to offer it with.’
That Bacon sacrificed his name, career, and the remainder of his life for the ‘degrading grossness of the Court of James’ there is no doubt.
We have gathered ample evidence that Bacon’s sacrifice for the British Monarch and his favourite during the Jacobean era should lead the present government to allow the resubmission of a pardon that has been lying dormant in cobwebs and dust for over 380 years.
In brief, the adventurer, George Villiers, was in the full tide of his infamous power at the time, and as Green tells us, “the payment of bribes to him, or marriage with his greedy relatives, became the one road to political preferment. Resistance to his will was inevitably followed by dismissal from Office. Even the highest and most powerful of the nobles were made to tremble at the nod of this young upstart.”
Unless we are being fooled by a literary conspiracy and an endless chain of coincidences, Bacon was entitled, if not to wear the English crown, then to be recognized for his sacrifices to the British government.
King James His Letter
To His Trusty And Well Beloved
Thomas Coventry, Our Attorney General.
Scrinia Sacra 1663 (P. 270)
Trusty and well-beloved, we greet you well: whereas our right trusty and right well-beloved cousin, the Viscount of St Alban, upon a sentence given in the Upper House of Parliament full three years since, and more, hath endured loss of his place, imprisonment and confinement also for a great time, which may suffice for the satisfaction of justice, and example to others: we being always graciously inclined to temper mercy with justice, and calling to mind his former good services, and how well and profitably he hath spent his time since his troubles, are pleased to remove from him that blot of ignominy which yet remaineth upon him, of incapacity and disablement; and to remit to him all penalties whatsoever inflicted by that sentence. Having therefore formerly pardoned his fine, and released his confinement, these are to will and require you to prepare for our signature a Bill containing a pardon in due form of law of the whole sentence; for which this shall be your sufficient warrant.
We request the resubmission of the above-mentioned pardon that was never signed by King James due to this monarch’s death. Evidence will be submitted with this petition, on the sacrifice of Bacon for his King, and the falsehood against Bacon, should that be requested.
Thank you
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The Pardon Francis Bacon petition to United Kingdom was written by Elaine Dutton and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.