President of Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago

During a dark period in his life, Alladin Mohammed was incarcerated in 1996 for murder, was sentenced to death, then commuted to life imprisonment in 2008. Having since experienced the Light & Mercy of GOD, he is currently at Carrera Convict Prison, where as a reformed inmate he helps others by teaching them the Discipline of Art.

His conduct & industry has consistently been assessed as Very Good, as he has made every effort to advance himself through rehabilitative initiatives facilitated by the Prison Authorities.

In light of his turnaround & remorseful attitude towards his past offence, he has become even more marketable, has matured socially, spiritually, academically, & is respected by all those who interact with him.

Some of his Achievements & Contributions includes:
1) Certificate in Bible Studies with Billy Graham Evangelists (1999). Obtained whilst on Death Row.
2) Art Diploma from Penn Foster Career School, Pennsylvania (2004-2006). Obtained whilst on Death Row.
3) Bible Study Course with Pastor Baker of Seventh Day Adventists (2008).
4) Awarded 1st Place in the Inmate HIV / Aids Poster Competition hosted by the Ministry of National Security & Penal Reform (28th September 2010).
5) Invited by the Archbishop’s Appeal Committee to donate artwork to help raise funds for Restoration of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (6th June 2011).
6) Awarded 1st Place & the Special Artist Prize in the 2010 Christmas Card Competition held by the Prisons Programmes Department.
7) Attended & sold artworks at 6 public Prison Art Exhibitions (2011-2015).
8) Founded an art studio/class at Carrera Convict Prison called ‘Carrera Island Studios’ (2009), & successfully teaches art to inmates who recognize art as a viable career option (2009-2016).
9) Favorably featured in many media publications, including print & television, regarding his art (2010-2015).
10) Prominently featured in the Archbishop’s Appeal Auction Catalogue 2011.
11) Received a Letter of Appreciation from Archbishop Edward J. Gilbert, for his contribution towards the Restoration of the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception (20th-Oct-2011).
12) Awarded 2nd place in the 2011 Christmas Card Competition held by the Prisons Programmes Department.
13) Awarded 1st place in the 2011 Traditional Mas design competition held by Programmes Department.
14) Certificate from the Announcers’ Broadcast Academy in Broadcast Announcing. Achieved at MSP (2012).
15) Exhibited art work with CCP’s Roving Caravan at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, & Arima Velodrome (July – August 2012).
16) Exhibited art work at The Military Tattoo Village (July – August 2012).
17) Certificate from the National Academy of Business, Arts & Computing, in Computer Competence (2013).
18) Recommended for Early Release by CCP Prison Authorities, RE: 4th year Confidential Report (2012).
19) Member of the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago (2013-2015).
20) Exhibited Artwork with the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago (2013).
21) Awarded the status of 'Honored Inmate' (Red Band) In recognition of his hard work (2014).
22) Attends Raja Yoga classes under the guidance of Bramha Kumaris Kay Narinesingh (2009-2016).

 Donates his artistry to many worthy causes, including:
•Fundraisers at various public schools
•Paintings as tokens to young aspiring cricketers (Jul 2010).
•Paintings to Prison Fellowship International (Aug 2010).
•Painting to the Archbishop’s Appeal Committee to help raise funds for Restoration of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (6th June 2011).
•Paintings to Holy Name Convent, Silent Art Auction to help raise funds for construction of a new classroom wing at the school (2012).
•Paints Portraits of retired/deceased prison officers as tokens (2010-2015).
•Decorations at all Seasonal events at CCP (2011-2015).
•Signage at various Prison Institutions (2009-2015):
•Printed or assisted in the printing of over 1,800 inmates’ prison issued uniforms - (Jan 2009–Aug 2013).
•Face Painting services:
Prison Family Day (2010-2015)
Prison Youth Club events (2015)
Sangre Grande Regional Cooperation Family Day (2015).

Visit https://picasaweb.google.com/115445527118443097104/6281240542853734897

Contact email: alladinmohammed@facebook.com

We unreservedly throw our support behind this petition to Pardon Alladin Mohammed, who we recognize to be a Reformed individual deserving of another chance so that he can contribute to society in a more positive, meaningful way.

As part of the prisons' Shared Responsibility Approach, which is integral to Restorative Justice, we have invested our time & money to ensure that inmates are reformed. Now we invest our Trust in one such inmate who has proved deserving of a Presidential Pardon.

We hereby request that Alladin be freed so that society can benefit from his reformed status & his creativity.

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The Pardon Alladin Mohammed petition to President of Trinidad & Tobago was written by JoVee50 and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.