Park City Council, US Department of Patents and Trademarks

Vail Corporation has been granted the use of Park City as a trademark, subject to a protest period.

Over a hundred businesses and individuals have filed protests. We are asking the Mayor and Park City Council to challenge the trademark and exercise their right to participate at the federal level to protect our name.

There are two prongs to this petition, first, to get the city involved and secondly to get this petition to the appropriate federal agency.

We, the undersigned, respectively ask the Mayor and Park City Council and the Department of Patents and Trademarks to oppose the trademarking of our community's name by Vail Corporation.

The reason for our opposition includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. The name Park City is in the public domain and should not be allowed exclusivity. Park City's rich history from mining town to world class multi-seasonal resort has created a "brand" that is known worldwide.
2. Park City is a geographic location. The confusion created by duplication of the locations is obvious.
3. There are numerous businesses with names that are in conflict with the potential granting of the trademark. This has the potential of creating years of litigation as local companies try to protect themselves.
4. It just breaks our hearts!

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The Opposition to Vail's attempt to trademark Park City petition to Park City Council, US Department of Patents and Trademarks was written by Dana Williams and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

trademark Park City Vail