- Target:
- Government - Municipal, Provincial and Federal
- Region:
- Canada
A 95 foot Rogers cell tower is planned to be installed in the Hopedale residential area, at the Big Bear Plaza at 1461 Rebecca Street, unless residents band together to stop the installation.
However, this does NOT only affect the Hopedale residents as future towers are planned for other residential areas around Oakville, affecting not only the overall health of local residents but also property values.
The National Research Council of Canada issued a report stating their belief that cell towers should NOT be placed within 500m of residential properties, schools, hospitals and daycares. In the Oakville Beaver article, dated April 29th, 2011, MP Terence Young said the safety zone should be 1000m, similar to what some European countries have adopted, citing the Precautionary Principal which states that in the absence of conclusive evidence, the onus is on the person imposing a potential danger to prove that it is NOT a danger.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to be read which indicates the dangers of chronic exposure to low levels of electromagnetic radiation to people living within a 500m radius of a cell tower. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE OF CHILDREN because of their thinner skulls. In adults, the most vulnerable parts of the body are the eyes, testicles and breasts with an increase in cancer of these areas. Aside from cancer, chronic exposure to this type of radiation causes sleep disorders, attention disorders, anxiety disorders and immune system diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized electro-sensitivity as a bonafide disorder in 2005.
Non-government funded research indicates the potential threat to human health. Government funded research points in the opposite direction. The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association reports "The members of the CWTA pay license fees in excess of $150 million each year - more than two-thirds of the total fees collected by Industry Canada from all spectrum users". Industry Canada gets the final word on tower placement. Conflict of interest??
Citizens across the nation have been speaking out for the last eleven+ years to no avail. The illnesses related to chronic exposure are now surfacing and the evidence is terrifying.
Email, write and call NOW, before it is too late to say NO:
Mayor of Oakville - Rob Burton - (905) 338-4173
Ward 1 Councillors:
Alan Johnston - (905) 825-9586 - ajohnston@oakville.ca
Ralph Robinson - (905) 827-7659 - rrobinson@oakville.ca
*ward 1 represents QEW south to the lake, and Burloak to Third Line
Ward 2 Councillors:
Cathy Duddeck - (905) 815-6003 - cduddeck@oakville.ca
Pam Damoff - (905) 582-4237 - pdamoff@oakville.ca
*ward 2 represents QEW south to the lake, and Third Line to 16 Mile Creek
Ward 3 Councillors:
Keith Bird - (905) 844-5571 - kbird@oakville.ca
Dave Gittings - (905) 844-5513 - dgittings@oakville.ca
*ward 3 represents QEW south to the lake, and 16 Mile Creek to Winston Churchill Blvd.
Ward 4 Councillors:
Allan Elgar - (905) 827-6056 - aelgar@oakville.ca
Roger Lapworth - (289) 837-1346 - rlapworth@oakville.ca
*ward 4 represents QEW north to the border of Oakville, and Oakville/Burlington border to 16 Mile Creek.
Ward 5 Councillors:
Jeff Knoll - (905) 815-6000 - jknoll@oakville.ca
Marc Grant - (905) 815-6001 - mgrant@oakville.ca
*ward 5 represents QEW north to the border of Oakville, and 16 Mile Creek to Trafalgar Road.
Ward 6 Councillors:
Tom Adams - (905) 849-7915 - tadams@oakville.ca
Max Khan - (905) 845-6601 - mkhan@oakville.ca
*ward 6 represents QEW north to the border of Oakville, and east of Trafalgar to the east border of Oakville.
Rogers Telecommunications:
Julia Jackson - (647) 747-7081 - julia.jackson@rci.rogers.com
MP Terrence Young - (905) 338-2008
Oakville Beaver:
David Lea - (905) 845-9742
Owner and Property Manager of Big Bear Plaza, where the proposed tower is planned to be installed:
Amer Taha - (289) 237-0462 or (905) 304-9600
We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Canada to:
1) immediately revise Health Canada Safety Code 6 to take into account accumulative biological effects and health effects, not just thermal effects, of microwave radiation, with a strict stated limit for exposure. Revisions must implement and enforce stricter limits to all new and existing cell towers, wireless base stations, antennas and trasmitters;
2) immediately enforce a moratorium on all new installations of cellular and wireless antennas, transmitters, base stations across the country and especially in the GTA until further unbiased non-industry funded scientific research has examine the short-term and long-term biological effects and health effects of humans from immediate and accumulative exposure to microwave radiation emitted from said devices;
3) ban all new antennas, base stations, and transmitters from being installed within 500m of any residence, school, community centre, hospital or any place where people spend a good part of their day, and the frequency of pre-existing antennas must be immediately reduced to adhere to the precautionary principal as suggested in the Bioinitiative Report of 2007; ban installations of antennas on the roofs of apartment buildings or any residential dwellings;
4) consult all residents within a 500m radius well in advance to any installation of cell towers, base stations, antennas, and transmitters so they can be informed of the biological health effects and have a say on the long-term implications of these devices in their immediate neighbourhood and quality of life. Local councils MUST be allowed to make their own decisions about the tower sites without being overruled; and,
5) call for immediate implementation of unbiased non-industry funded scientific research on the short-term and long-term biological and health effcts of human exposure to microwave radiation, EMF's and RF's, taking into account immediate and daily accumulative exposure, with full public disclosure of all findings:
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Oakville Residents against Residential Cell Towers petition to Government - Municipal, Provincial and Federal was written by Cheryl Grant and is in the category Health at GoPetition.