- Target:
- Aberdeen City Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.friendsofaberdeeninstrumentalmusic.co.uk
On the 6th of December 2011, Aberdeen City Council will meet to discuss proposals which are set to “withdraw music tuition” in Aberdeen.
After the successful peaceful demonstrations and campaign of last year, assurance was given that the Music Service was safe - albeit with a massively reduced budget. Clearly that was not true – the cut proposal is back in this years Priority Based Budgeting: Draft financial budget 2012-2013 5-Year Business Plan that published on 2nd November. (http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?lID=41080&sID=13437)
Aberdeen’s excellent Instrumental Service should be protected and taken off the table as far as making budget cuts are concerned. Withdrawing Music tuition completely will impact on many of our children’s lives. The vision for Music in the recently introduced Curriculum for Excellence for Scotland is “Performing and creating music will be prominent activities for all learners.”
Pupils who wish to learn an instrument will not have ready access to an instructor or an instrument as present and will probably have to buy their own – an option not available to many.
The Aberdeen City Council’s proposal to withdraw Music Tuition is completely at odds with the Scottish Governments stated entitlement for children.
The Music Service in Aberdeen when compared with other Scottish music service budgets costs less per child. Compare this with the fact that more than 40% of the children taking part in National Orchestras, Brass and Jazz bands come from Aberdeen City - value for money indeed!
Last year the Music Service had its budget slashed by £520k – not the £170k claimed in the new Priority Based Budget on the ACC website – and it now operates on a budget of £789k from Aberdeen City Council for its 3000 pupils.
Although the ‘Withdraw Music Tuition’ option is below the red line and is therefore under the heading of “ undesirable to progress,” it is precariously close to the red line and would become a very real option should any of the cuts above it fail to get approval.
However, there is still time to save our Music Service, which has been instrumental in Aberdeen’s development into today’s rich cultural centre. Music is something that everyone, no matter who they are or what their background is, should be able to access and enjoy. If these services go they will never return.
More information is available at F.A.I.M. (Friends of Aberdeen Instrumental Music) website and on Facebook with the same name.
Please extend your support to this cause by putting your name to this petition. Thank you.
We, the undersigned, call on Aberdeen City Council to reject proposals which would see the withdrawal of music tuition in the city and urge them instead to provide sufficient funding to allow the provision of such services to continue.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The NO WITHDRAWAL OF MUSIC TUITION IN ABERDEEN petition to Aberdeen City Council was written by Kathryn Reid and is in the category Education at GoPetition.