- Target:
- Local and International
- Region:
- Malaysia
:: English Version ::
The purpose of this petition campaign is to protest the vile and despicable actions of the Zionist regime of Israel towards the Palestinians in Gaza.
To date, a total of nearly 2000 civilians have been killed and 8000 wounded.
Come on, join us to protest and demand as stated in this petition.
:: Versi Bahasa Melayu ::
Kempen petisyen ini bertujuan untuk menyatakan bantahan ke atas tindakan keji dan hina regim Zionis Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin di Gaza.
Sehingga kini seramai hampir 2000 orang awam telah terkorban dan 8000 orang cedera.
Ayuh, bersama-sama kami menyatakan bantahan dan mendesak beberapa perkara di dalam petisyen ini.
:: English Version ::
1) Urges Russia and China to put pressure on United Nations (UN) and United Nation Security Council (UNSC) to stop the attacks on Gaza.
2) Urges the Egyptian government to open the Rafah border crossing to allow the supply of humanitarian aids to Gaza.
3) Urges the Zionist regime of Israel to stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestine that is targeting the civilians.
4) Puts pressure on UAE to stop funding Israel.
:: Versi Bahasa Melayu ::
1) Mendesak Russia dan China untuk memberi tekanan kepada Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan Majlis Keselamatan PBB supaya menghentikan serangan terhadap Gaza.
2) Mendesak kerajaan Mesir membuka pintu Rafah dan memberikan laluan untuk bekalan makanan dan ubat ubatan.
3) Mendesak penganas regim Zionis Israel menghentikan pembunuhan etnik yang mensasarkan orang awam sebagai mangsa perang.
4) Memberi tekanan kepada UAE untuk menghentikan sumbangan keatas Israel.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Million Souls Fight For Gaza petition to Local and International was written by PEMBINA and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.