- Target:
- 日本国内閣総理大臣 鳩山由紀夫、閣僚、国会議員, Japan/Prime Minister/Cabinet
- Region:
- Website:
- www.meatfreepetition.com
The impact of livestock on human health, the environment, world grain and water security and climate change has never been clearer.
With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stressing our planetary peril with ever increasing urgency, the recognition of the significant role of factory farming in the genesis of swine flu, and new research by the Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF) stating that 315,000 people per year die as a result of climate change (with another 325 million affected), it is time to let our leaders know that we are ready to do anything we can to alleviate these crises and help the world.
気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)は地球の危機的状況がますます差し迫っていることを強調しています。工場方式畜産が豚インフルエンザの発生源となりました。そしてまた、グロバル人道フォーラム(GHF、Global Humanitarian Forum、http://www.ghf-ge.org/)の研究が示すところによると、毎年3億2500万人が気候変動の影響を受けているばかりか、31万5000人が気候変動の結果亡くなっています。今こそ私たちはこういった危機に対処し、世界を助けるために行動をする準備ができているということを政治家たちに示さなければなりません。
By pledging to keep Mondays Meat Free, we can make a sure start. Join Sir Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono in promoting Meat Free Monday to encourage people to say no to meat once a week. Check out Sir Paul's message here: http://www.meatfreepetition.com/popup_video_english.htm
If you want to stop 1 billion people from going hungry each day; If you want to stop the needless deaths taking place every 5 seconds due to starvation then a vegan lifestyle is the solution to solve these dyer diet driven situations due to the inefficient use of resources directed towards animal agriculture. Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed 2 billion people. According to a recent report by Compassion in World Farming, "crops that could be used to feed the hungry are instead being used to fatten animals raised for food." It takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of edible animal flesh.
毎日、10億人が飢餓に貧窮しています。5秒ごとに飢えで亡くなる人がいます。ビーガン(完全菜食)という生き方は、資源を非効率に使う畜産が引き起こしている深刻な食糧危機に対して解決の手段となりえます。現在、家畜の餌となっている穀物の量は、20億人を養えるほどの量です。コンパッション・イン・ワールド・ファーミング(Compassion in World Farming、http://www.ciwf.org.uk/)は「飢えている人たちのお腹を満たすことができるほどの穀物が、かわりに食料となる家畜を太らせるために使われています」と最近の報告で述べています。1ポンド(約450グラム)の食肉(食用部分)を生産するために、16ポンド(約7.26キロ)の穀物が餌として消費されます。
Meat eating is not the only cruel and callous culinary habit that is destroying the biosphere. Overfishing is depleting our oceans of many species. The United Nations estimates that Japan eats 30% of the worlds fish, about 80 kilograms for every man, woman and child. Bluefin tuna may soon become extinct. The overfishing, pesticides, herbicides and warming ocean temperatures are creating “dead zones” around the globe including Japan.
But if we cannot find the mercy in our hearts to end the cruelty we inflict upon the fish and the livestock then we are doomed to suffer similar consequences. So please consider supporting Meat Free Monday so you will be healthier and so will the planet.
Time is running out. More than 50,000 square miles of forest are lost each year. (USEPA) An estimated 150-200 animal species are lost each day. (UN Environmental Programme) An estimated 2 billion people will be living with water scarcity by 2025. (WHO) On June 19th the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation announced that one billion people in the world suffer from hunger. (BBC News)
Let's show the Japanese government that we are ready and willing to act, and support the Earth saving and humanitarian concept of Meat-Free Mondays.
This petition will be forwarded to Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, Cabinet Members and to influential members of the Diet of Japan.
Give your will a voice, & be the first of your friends to sign!
Here is what Marianne Thieme, member of the Dutch Parliament, had to say about the effects of eating meat. Ms. Thieme clearly defined what it would mean to the United Kingdom if its citizens adopted a diet with no meat.
Marianne: If everyone in the UK ate no meat for 7 days a week, they would save 91 mega tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, this would be the same as eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions from 12.5 million households in the UK. That is half of the UK households.
If all British people ate a meat-free diet for 6 days a week, this would create greater carbon savings than removing all the cars off the UK roads, 29 million cars.
If everyone in the UK abstained from eating meat for 5 days a week, they would save 65 megatons CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions.
If all British people ate no meat for 4 days a week, they would save 52 megatons CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions.
This would lead to greater carbon savings than taking 70% of all cars in the UK off the road. If going meat free in the UK could have such substantial environmental effects think what could happen if Japan were to go meat free.
Three days with no meat would have the same positive effect on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as replacing all household appliances, such as fridges, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines with energy efficient ones, insulating walls, installing double glazing, energy efficient boilers, and thermostats.
Let your voice be heard in Japan and around the world join the meat free, meat less, and meat out campaigns - Sign & Spread the petition anyway you know how.
English: http://www.meatfreepetition.com/
Japanese: http://www.meatfreepetition.com/japanese.php
English: http://www.meatfreepetition.com/
Japanese: http://www.meatfreepetition.com/japanese.php
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The ミート・フリー・マンデー・ジャパン or Meat Free Mondays in Japan petition to 日本国内閣総理大臣 鳩山由紀夫、閣僚、国会議員, Japan/Prime Minister/Cabinet was written by Concerned_Citizen and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.