- Target:
- Governor Rick Scott Office of Executive Clemency Florida
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- blogs.myspace.com
This petition is closed.
In 1994 Martin Joseph Puccio (Marty as he is usually known) was found guilty of first degree murder and conspiracy for his participation in the murder of Bobby Kent in the Weston area of Florida. He was 21 years old and sentenced to die in Florida's electric chair. On appeal this was later commuted to life in prison.
At the time of trial evidence that Martin had been dominated for much of his adolescence by the victim was deemed inadmissable and much of the reality of Martins abuse at the hands of Bobby Kent never came to light in court.
Martin was routinely emotionally abused, beaten,at times held against his will, belittled and dominated by this person, who many, on the surface believed to be Martins best friend. If only that were true. He was in fear of Bobby Kent everyday.
Fear and rage following years of abuse and victimisation culminated in the death of Bobby Kent. Marty has spent 17 years in the custody of Florida Corrections, including time spent on Death Row and this year will be making an appeal for clemency and freedom.
Dear Mr Scott,
This letter and petition is presented with a heartfelt request that you and your colleagues on the clemency board give careful and compassionate consideration to Martin Joseph Puccio's appeal for clemency. During the time he has spent in prison he has taken the initiative to improve and educate himself and is presently studying Greek and Hebrew in order to further understand the word of God and absorb more fully the teachings of The Bible.
He is actively involved with the prison chapel producing his own literature for sermons and endevours to help others with his experiences and assists those who may struggle to read and write to loved ones while they are incarcerated.
For 17 years Martin has been a model prisoner with a clean record and rather than accepting his incarceration and doing nothing he has used this time to build a constructive and diligent personality. If given the opportunity of release Martin would be an asset to his community and could give valuable insight to children and young people who may be struggling to live a trouble free life. With the support of his loving family he would determinedly adjust to a new life.
Martin has never known true freedom. He was dominated and abused by the victim Bobby Kent for many years and the desperate act to rid himself the terror and burden of this cruel treatment resulted in imprisonment and separation from his devoted Mother, siblings, extended family but most importantly for Martin, his 16 year old daughter who has never known her father away from Florida Corrections.
Please Sir, use your considerable influence to Grant Martin Joseph Puccio clemency and the freedom to truly live his life in peace after all of these years.
We the undersigned are in agreement with this request.
The Support for Marty Puccio clemency appeal petition to Governor Rick Scott Office of Executive Clemency Florida was written by Adele and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.