#Human Rights
equal rights

the town i live in is very sexiest it is all about no showing shoulds or if you do one thing wrong then you are in so much trouble you are a horrible person but the boys do illegal shit and everyone is just like well boys are going to be boys but no that is our community telling people that it is okay what they are doing but a girl better not do it. like don’t we’re skirts it makes you look like a slut,why can i see your shoulders, oh well she was asking for, she just a girl why does it matter, these are stuff girls here everyday. that is not okay and what we are trying to change not taking away boys right make bring back equal rights

we urge you to sign. by singing this petition you are helping girls and women all over the world and right now we need help more than ever. what is happing to girls and women is it okay we are being discriminated against. we are being sexually assaulted by boys but they get away with it. we can not play sports we are passionate about because it is a “ boys sport” and no weigh skirts because it makes you look like a slut or your good but for a girl, and girls can do that. this is all stuff we hear everyday and what we have to deal with. please sign this. help our community

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The justice for girls petition to equal rights was written by Kinsey Shockey and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.