#Neighborhood Living
Los Angeles City Council and LA Mayor's OFFICE
United States of America

Our neighborhood surrounding Sunset and Western within the 13th Council district has improved over the years, yet there are still VITAL areas with room for further enhancement for our resident's quality of life.

Illegal dumping, lack of trash cans, littering, persons LOITERING and drinking alcoholic beverages on our sidewalks, protecting our children's exposure to bad influences especially around schools and preschools and childcare facilities.

Together we as concerned residents can promote neighborhood cleanups and beautification. LET US STRIVE TOWARDS PRIDE OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

We, the undersigned, support the creation of both a Sunset/Western area Neighborhood Watch group and better representation through a localized Neighborhood Council.

We support better NO DUMPING enforcement, less trash on our sidewalks, better enforcement of individuals/groups LOITERING on corners, many of whom are gambling and drinking alcoholic beverages, more often than not within 50-75 feet of the Southern California Assistance Leagues Child Day Care Center on St. Andrew's Place.

We also support a closer examination of both Covenant House's AND P.A.T.H.'s ACTUAL progress and efficiency with reaching GOALS set for their clients...


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The IMPROVE OUR 13th DISTRICT neighborhoods petition to Los Angeles City Council and LA Mayor's OFFICE was written by ardent outreach and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.