SA House of Assembly

There is a failure to systematically address issues confronting South Australian Metropolitan Public Hospitals and Health Services, namely:

  • extreme patient waiting times

  • over crowding in Emergency Departments

  • inadequate resourcing

  • enormous safety risks to both patients and nursing staff

Sign this petition which calls on SA Health to immediately address these issues and also develop medium and long term strategies.

To the Honourable the Members of the House of Assembly in Parliament assembled-

The Petition of the undersigned residents of South Australia


We draw the attention of your Honourable House the failure of SA Health to systematically address issues confronting South Australian Metropolitan Public Hospitals and Health Services, namely;

  • extreme patient waiting times

  • over crowding in Emergency Departments

  • inadequate resourcing

  • enormous safety risks to both patients and nursing staff.

As a result we say "help our nurses to help you." Enough is enough!

Your petitioners therefore request that your Honourable House call on SA Health to immediately address these issues and also develop medium and long term strategies.

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The Help our nurses to help you petition to SA House of Assembly was written by ANMF (SA Branch) and is in the category Unions at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

union nurse nurses nursing anmf anf