Members of the IGN Boards

Dear BBB, we really LOVED your post about that Japanese chick that came over...

However we'd REALLY love it if you could update us...Seeing as to how there were no updates I took the liberty to make this petition because EVERYONE wants to know what is happening (almost like the GOOD soap opera...)

So from me, ammar85 and the rest of the boards

PLEASE UPDATE US!! We promise no Spam if your thread too!

Dear BBB, we really LOVED your post about that Japanese chick that came over...

However we'd REALLY love it if you could update us...Seeing as to how there were no updates I took the liberty to make this petition because EVERYONE wants to know what is happening (almost like the GOOD soap opera...)

So from me, ammar85 and the rest of the boards

PLEASE UPDATE US!! We promise no Spam if your thread too!

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The Get BuffBlackBoy to update his Story petition to Members of the IGN Boards was written by D00D from Nowhere and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.