World Health Organisation & World Goverments

Due to a stranglehold on research funded by drug companies and lobbying from Food Manufacturing lobbyists it's relatively impossible to get funding for research on preventable medicine and health solutions from better diets as this can't be turned into a patentable drug.

Professor Smith from UK Oxford University, with help from Olso University in Sweden, recently published well publicised research on halting dementia and Alzhiemer's just with B Vitamins. Professor Smith admitted the problems of researching food and nutrients rather than drugs. He revealed “The dogma is strong and there is money involved. If it is not produced by the pharmaceutical companies, you have a hard time getting funded.”

Important scientific proof of the need for nutrition not drugs will struggle to surface whilst most research is funded by drug companies.

The only solution is for responsible governments and the World Health Organisation to commit to prove what professional Nutritional therapists demonstrate every day in clinics that food can heal. President Bill Clinton under Dr Esselstyne is using food to beat heart disease, PCRM has shown food can reverse Diabetes.

The BMJ reveals "When the report, Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, was released (BMJ 2003;326: 515), American food manufacturers' groups began lobbying to prevent their government from accepting its proposals. The Sugar Association wrote to the director general of WHO, threatening to “exercise every avenue available to expose the dubious nature” of the report. Congressmen recruited by the food industry urged the secretary of health, Tommy Thompson, to cut off the $406m (£226m; €334m) annual US contribution to WHO (BMJ 2003;326: 948).

If we continue to ignore Hippocrates' ethos of “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” there will be dire catastrophic consequences.

In the interests of optimal world health and sustainability we the undersigned urge world governments and the World Health Organisation, to stand up to pharmaceutical and manufactured food industry lobbyists, provide balance in the drugs vs diet debate and fill the funding gap to fund scientific research that proves better diets fresh, complete, wholefoods and the nutrients they contain can prevent, halt and often reverse chronic disease.

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The Fund Ethical Research on Plantarian Food for Health petition to World Health Organisation & World Goverments was written by Tony Bishop-Weston and is in the category Health at GoPetition.