#Local Government
Florida Legislature’s
United States of America

FP&L is charging $14.95 credit card processing free, this fee is a little extreme when compared to other local businesses in our area such as Publix and Winn-Dixie yes imagine going to your local grocery store and having to paying $14.95 credit card processing for you for every time you make a purchase you will be out of money and broke. Please help fight against this extreme credit card processing fee from a power company that makes millions and millions of dollars and profit, and monopolizing on our electric service. When compared to other small businesses that do not charge a extreme amount of $14.95 for a credit card processing fee you know that this is outrageous fee. By support this petition you are helping is to stop big companies from abusing there monopolize power to do what they want. Thanks

Your petition should include your frustration of thus overcharge credit card processing fee of $14.95 FPL has put on the public. please note list all of your frustration with this extreme fee that we all have to pay. Include in your petition your recommendations for solving does Xtreme processing fee. Recommend payment type can be PayPal and others.

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The FPL Xtreme Credit Card Processing Fee petition to Florida Legislature’s was written by Anthony Mohammed and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.