
In the Sonic the Hedgehog universe, Fiona Fox has been a very prevalent character, although she only appeared in the comic book series and never in an actual game.

In the comics she had very much to do with the plot, so why wouldn't she work as a playable character in a Sonic-related game? In fact, Bark the Polar Bear, and Bean the Dynamite, should also be playable characters; they and Fiona make a colorful and superb combination, with Bean's bomb attacks, Bark's brute strength, and Fiona's martial arts (yes, this was one of her abilities in the comics). She has always been kind of rogue; once a freedom fighter, then she turned to the more evil side. The 'good' characters should be out against her, and you and your gang would have to fight them, though they are not your direct goal; Fiona should ultimately go after Eggman.

If I have enough signatures from fans of this character, or for that matter fans of merely the Sonic series itself, I'm sure that Sega would at least consider it. I appreciate the help of everyone who signs this, and to Sega just for considering the idea.

We, the undersigned, wish to see Fiona Fox, Bark the Bear, and Bean the Dynamite Duck star in their own video game.

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The Fiona Fox in a video game petition to SEGA was written by Alex Golubow and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.