Cartoon Network

Speaking as a postgraduate student, many of us have little respite from the daily research, lectures and following up emails. Those breaks we do get are usually filled by nothing entertaining at all.

However, once a week we're graced by Adventure Time and in those eleven minutes we can forget everything. That was until recently. Finn and Flame Princess's relationship was a pillar of the show; something that many enjoyed seeing advance from spark to inferno. The two characters were a strong couple who clearly liked each other a lot and then, one episode out of the blue, they split up.

I appreciate that Finn's exploits that caused the rift underlined Flame Princess's upbringing and character but for those of us who have no lives of our own, we do like seeing an inoffensive post-apocalyptic human and his girlfriend made of fire having a nice time.

Without wishing to cause offense to the writers of the show, nor any person(s) involved in its production, it has been weaker and less enjoyable since the couple split up. While Pen Ward has never, to my knowledge, poo-pooed the idea of the characters kissing and making up, I do not know if it has been explicitly mentioned that they ever will.

We, the undersigned, request that Pendleton Ward and others involved in the production of the story line of the cartoon series, 'Adventure Time', write into said cartoon that the principal character, Finn the Human, and Flame Princess rekindle their romantic relationship.

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The Finn and Flame Princess to Get Back Together petition to Cartoon Network was written by Tom Learoyd and is in the category Television at GoPetition.