#Human Rights

In past years, the system of dowry seemed to be minimized from surface view but the fact is it still prevails in every person's mind and they are lured by this evil system.
It is the severe system which is the cause of destruction of a innocent individual as well as the entire family.

Those who can fulfill the demand of the groom can only marry and can be happy till they can fulfill the demand . Even though the society has become modern , their thinking haven't grown up to that level as that of the modern society. It all starts from the individual so it can only be uprooted by the effort of an individual .

We the undersigned , call on the government as well as the locals to focus in the highly rooted evil system from not only the society but from the national level.

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The Dowry !!! The rooted evil... petition to Government was written by Pratima Magar and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.