- Target:
- Academics
- Region:
- Website:
- ForGenderEquityAtConferences.blogspot.fr
If you are an academic in favor of a more equitable representation of women at scholarly conferences across the world, join us in signing this Commitment
Dan Sperber, Cognitive Science and Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest, and Institut Jean Nicod, Paris.
Virginia Valian, Psychology and Linguistics, CUNY Graduate Ctr and Hunter College.
Rita Astuti, Anthropology, London School of Economic.
Susan Carey, Psychology, Harvard University.
Gergely Csibra, Cognitive Science, Central European University, Budapest.
Daniel Dennett, Philosophy, Tufts University.
E. Thomas Lawson, Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queen's University Belfast.
Steven Lukes. Sociology, New York University.
Tomoko Matsui, Linguistics and Psychology, Tokyo Gakugei University.
Salikoko Mufwene, Linguistics and Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago.
Joëlle Proust, Philosophy, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris.
Stephen Stich, Philosophy & Cognitive Science, Rutgers University.
Rineke Verbrugge, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Deirdre Wilson, Linguistics, University College London and Center for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo.
Across the disciplines, disproportionately more men than women participate in scholarly conferences - as keynote or plenary speakers, as symposiasts, or as panelists. This, we believe, is the outcome of widespread and generally unintended bias. It is unfair, it hinders advancement in scholarship, and it is especially discouraging to junior scholars. Overcoming such bias involves not just awareness but positive action.
We therefore undertake to make our participation in conferences – whether as an organizer, sponsor, or invited speaker – conditional on the invitation of women and men speakers in a fair and balanced manner.
The Commitment to gender equity at scholarly conferences petition to Academics was written by For-Gender-Equity-Team and is in the category Gender Rights and Issues at GoPetition.