#International Affairs
Ireland and Britain
United Kingdom

There is a petition in the UK calling for Ireland to join the UK and I believe it should be the other way around. The British government couldn't agree on the colour of shite, so, they should hand over all their lands and governance to the island of Ireland, in doing this they would end the farce of Brexit. Voting to leave the EU was a mistake and has cost the British people good tax paid monies only to watch their government going back and forth in what can only be described as a seen from the Muppets movie, in fact, you wouldn't see the Muppets actually acting as bad.

We, the undersigned, call on the UK government to hand over all lands and governance to the island of Ireland. Doing this will mean remaining within the EU by default. The hole we have being digging "Brexit" has gone beyond a joke, it is now time after 100's of year's to do the right thing and stop trying to take over the world by whatever means possible.
We the people of Britain would be delighted if the world would accept our apologie on behalf of our government for their delusional expectations.

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The Britain to join Ireland under Irish rule petition to Ireland and Britain was written by Paul Kirwan and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.