#Films & Movies
Disney Channel
United States of America

Disney Channel. Whats the first thing that came to your mind? Was it Kim Possible on her lastest mission fighting the bad guys with her witty sidekick Ron? Or was it Cece and Rocky once again dancing on "Shake It Up Chicago"?

For most of the kids from middle schools/high schools thought of Kim Possible! But here's the problem. IT BARLEY EVER AIRS ON TV! We need to bring back our childhood! We WONT let it wash away into only god knows where!

We, the undersigned, call on the Disney Channel Management and to bring back old t.v shows like "Lizzie Miguire, Kim Possible, etc..".

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The Bring Back Our Disney Childhood petition to Disney Channel was written by Bring Back The Old Disney and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.