
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is the second best CoD ever made, behind Modern Warfare 2, and we all need those ffa snipers only and the amazing zombies maps. The campaign was amazing and multiplayer was impeccable. The zombies is arguably the best ever made. I understand that Xbox has backwards compatibility and you can just buy bo2 on steam but ps4/ps5 doesn’t get that. So we need the cod community to come together and make all of our dreams come true.

The cod community needs bo2 to be remastered and if at all possible, cross-platform would be great too, so we need the boys and girls to join together just this one time to help us get a Call of Duty Black Ops 2 remastered.
Please help us make this dream a reality.

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The Black Ops 2 Remastered petition to Trayarch was written by Donovan Dugas and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.