- Target:
- Warner Home Video
- Region:
- Website:
- batgirltooracle.blogspot.com
In an interview with Bruce Timm on April 27, 2010, Timm states that:
"'Wonder Woman’s' sales started out extremely slow and then over time were eventually able to catch up to probably 'Justice League: New Frontier.'" said Timm.
"The Exec’s decided because it wasn’t able to sell quickly right away, whereas 'Justice League' was, that there wouldn’t be any more female super hero films right now. We were developing and hoping to get started on a 'Batgirl' film based on 'Year One,' but because of 'Wonder Woman’s' slow sales start, that won’t be happening now."
We, the undersigned, call upon Warner Home Video, Inc. to rethink their decision to cancel the development and production of Batgirl: Year One.
As Batgirl is a popular character in comics and a cultural icon, her debut in a full-length feature would bring several generations together: the Yvonne Craig generation, the Batman: The Animated Series generation, and the The Batman generation, not to mention the different comic generations.
Giving Batgirl/Barbara Gordon a chance as a film will not only allow Warner Brothers Animation to produce a more diverse movie-lineup in the future, but will give the fans of other female superheroes the chance to see their own favorite on the screen. To no longer produce any female driven animated movies is a travesty and will seriously dampen the hopes of many fans that they may see Black Canary, Manhunter, Supergirl, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, or Donna Troy (to name but a few) in a feature film.
In signing your name below, you agree with the statement above and fully support the production of a Batgirl: Year One animated movie.
This petition, along with a written letter, will be sent to President Ronald J. Sanders, SVP Sales Mike Takac, and SVP Acquisitions and Business Development Eva Davis. Thank-you for the informing me that Warner Bros. Animation had nothing to do with the decision. I still would like to get signatures from Bruce Timm, Lauren Montgomery, and Sam Register, if possible.
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The Put 'Batgirl: Year One' Back in Production petition to Warner Home Video was written by Stella Bowman and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.