- Target:
- European Commission
- Region:
- Website:
- www.cannedlion.org
The World needs to wake up to the horrors of the canned and trophy hunting industry in Africa. Canned hunting is the practice of killing tamed wild animals in a fenced area on a canned hunting farm for sport. Cub petting also supports this industry.
European trophy hunters are traveling to Africa to kill these animals so that the animals' head can be mounted on a wall or the body made into a rug. With your help we can end this horrendous leisure activity and lucrative business.
Chris Mercer of the Campaign Against Canned Hunting blows the top off the canned hunting industry in South Africa; you won't believe what you hear! UrbanJunglesRadio. To listen on YouTube just copy and paste the link blow to your browser.
Western trophy hunting is un-African, and is an outdated notion from the colonial past. Africa is left poorer because of these foreign demands''. Gareth Patterson.
"The facts are these lions are declining at such a pace. We will have nothing left in a few years," conservation group Walking for Lions (WFL) founder Marcus Roodbol.
Lion trophy imports from South Africa to the EU Member States from 2007 to 2012 inclusive:
Austria 44, Belgium 23, Bulgaria 17, Croatia 6, Cyprus 5, Czech Republic 105, Denmark 55, Estonia 5, Finland 57, France 95, Germany 99, Greece Nil, Hungary 47, Ireland Nil, Italy 29, Latvia Nil, Lithuania 10, Luxembourg Nil, Malta Nil, Netherlands 7, Poland 62, Portugal 18, Romania 8, Slovakia 36, Slovenia 4, Spain 443, Sweden 11, UK 20.
We, the undersigned, call on the The European Commission to place a complete ban on the import of Lion (canned or wild) and all other wild animal body parts as trophies to EU Member States.
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The Ban the import of animal trophies to EU Member States petition to European Commission was written by Carol Cummins and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.