North Peace Secondary School

Recently, North Peace Secondary School sent out a notice saying that they would be getting rid of awards for academic achievement and the year-end award ceremony. They are eradicating the ceremony due to “poor attendance by students and families, phone calls asking ‘What award is my child getting? If it is just Honour Roll we aren’t coming’, and parents leaving the ceremony after their child received an award without staying to the end.” Their frustration with these issues are, of course, understandable. It takes a lot of work to make an event like this happen, and it can be disheartening to have it dampered by the rudeness of certain people. That being said, Awards Night can be an especially meaningful event for youths being recognized for their academic achievement. There are many students at NPSS that work hard all year and are honoured to be recognized with awards for being the top student of the year in any given subject. These awards are very difficult to attain, and are something to be proud of! To replace the Academic Awards, “teachers will be handing out one award in each and every class, both semesters, to a deserving student. It could be based on achievement, work ethic, overcoming odds, etc.” Though this replacement gives many more kids the chance to win, it also causes the awards to become diluted. The award itself is no longer as meaningful or appreciated, and can’t be used the same way on the ‘academic achievements’ category of applications for programs, scholarships, universities, resumes, etc. Instead of abandoning the NPSS Year-End Award Ceremony altogether, we have to find an alternative solution that would still give appreciation to academic achievers in all faculties of the school.

Sign the petition to bring the Awards Ceremony and awards for academic achievement back to North Peace Secondary School.

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The Academic Awards for North Peace Secondary School petition to North Peace Secondary School was written by Maria Keeler and is in the category Education at GoPetition.