#Roads & Transport
Polish Parliament

The Netherlands is the first country to introduce the requirement of registering motor vehicle. It is also a country of high taxes and euthanasia. This petition is to abandon the requirement of registering motor vehicles nad licencing drivers to protect Polish capitalism.

We Polish citizens remembering Soviet occupation especially during Marshal Law in 1981 ask Polish Parliamanet to abandon requirement of registering motor vehicles and licencing

Modern criminal organizations
are so well trained that falsyfying those documents is trivial but enforcing them is illigal
no constitutional invigilation and taxpayers cost blocking free expansion of Polish capitalism and companies.

The demonstration to People of Poland of succesful driving for one month should be sufficient requirement in
Republic of Poland after training without exam and any formalities similiar to pedestrians.

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The Abandon soviet trafic regulations in Poland petition to Polish Parliament was written by John Smith and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.