#Local Government
Rancho Palos Verdes City Council and State Agencies (CA)
United States of America

On June 30, 2010 the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, founded to rein in coastal development, submitted a grant application to the State of California to erect a 5,900 square foot “nature education center” in Abalone Cove Shoreline Park, on the only remaining stretch of undeveloped coastal bluff top in the City.

This building would be:
 Destructive to the stunning view and the natural experience.
 Wasteful government spending: $7,000,000 + maintenance and operating costs.

There are already 5 existing indoor nature centers in this 9 mile stretch of coastline.

A BETTER ALTERNATIVE: Improve what we already have—trails, vegetation, information kiosks—for far less money, without the building.

We, the undersigned, oppose the proposal to erect a building in Abalone Cove Shoreline Park.

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The Say NO to a Proposed Building at Abalone Cove Shoreline Park petition to Rancho Palos Verdes City Council and State Agencies (CA) was written by SaveOurShoreline and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.