Netizens against Evidence (Amendment) (No2) Act 2012
- Centre for Independent Journalism
- Closed on

- Target:
- Malaysian Government
- Region:
- Malaysia
- Website:
CIJ wants to thank everybody for their support in the Stop114A Campaign. The results were a whopping 3465 signatures in this petition. The next step in the campaign is the Internet Blackout, which is happening on August 14. Please Visit our Blog and/or Facebook page to find out how you can support the next movements to withdraw this amendment.
We, Netizens who value internet freedom, call on the Malaysian Government to withdraw the Evidence (Amendment) (No2) Act 2012.
The amendment which has been passed by both Upper and Lower Houses, has wide-ranging reach and extends to practically everyone who uses any internet platform – from e-mail and social media to blogs and online media. We oppose this amendment for these reasons:
1. It presumes guilt rather than innocence which contradicts the basis of many justice systems. The newly introduced Section 114(A)* goes against the principle of presumption of innocence meant to protect individuals against wrongful conviction and check against abuse of power by the authorities.
2. It makes Internet intermediaries -- parties that provide online community forums, blogging and hosting services -- liable for content that is published through its services. It can result in the removal of comment functions, which has a huge impact on the interactive nature of online media favoured by Malaysians.
3. It threatens freedom of expression online because the assumption of guilt has the chilling effect of promoting fear amongst those who use the Internet as a vibrant, interactive space for democratic deliberations. It also reduces the spaces for posting legitimate comments and opinions.
4. It allows hackers and cyber criminals to be free by making the person whose account/computer is hacked liable for any content/data which might have changed. The more skilled you are at hacking, the more the law protects you by assuming the party being hacked is guilty of the offence.
5. It reduces the opportunity to be anonymous online which is crucial in promoting a free and open Internet. This principle is particularly important to safeguard vulnerable individuals who depend on the anonymous nature of the Internet to protect themselves, eg women in situations of domestic violence who may be at risk if they are identified. Anonymity is also indispensable to protect whistleblowers from persecution by the authorities when they expose abuses of power.
6. The amendment is a bad law passed in haste and does not take into account public interest and participation.
Kami, para pengguna internet yang mendukung kebebasan berinternet ingin menggesa pihak Kerajaan Malaysia untuk menarik semula Akta Keterangan (Pindaan) (No.2) 2012 atas sebab-sebab yang berikut:
1. Akta tersebut bertentangan dengan prinsip asas keadilan yang menyatakan bahawa seseorang tidak bersalah selagi belum dibuktikan kesalahannya. Seksyen 114A yang baru diperkenalkan itu boleh mengakibatkan seseorang disabit secara salah dan menjadi mangsa penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pihak tertentu.
2. Akta tersebut juga menjadikan pihak yang membekalkan perkhidmatan di internet seperti blog, forum dan pengehosan web bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya atas segala isi kandungan yang tersiar atau tersimpan di dalam perkhidmatan tersebut. Pengenalan akta ini boleh menyebabkan ruangan komen pada blog dan laman web yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam dunia interaktif dibuang.
3. Akta yang diperkenalkan ini mengancam kebebasan berinternet kerana tanggapan atas kesalahan yang belum dibuktikan boleh menakut-nakutkan pengguna-pengguna internet yang memanfaatkan internet sebagai satu medan interaktif untuk perbincangan mengenai demokrasi. Akta ini juga menghindarkan pengguna internet daripada mengutarakan pendapat bernas mereka.
4. Akta yang baru diperkenalkan ini juga membolehkan para penggodam dan penjenayah internet bermaharajalela kerana beban kesalahan kini terletak di bahu pihak yang akaun atau komputernya digodam. Secara tidak langsung, para penggodam dan penjenayah siber akan dilindungi oleh akta ini kerana hanya individu yang menjadi mangsa mereka sahaja yang akan disabit kesalahan.
5. Akta tersebut mengurangkan kebebasan individu untuk mengelakkan identiti mereka diketahui ramai. Kebebasan tersebut penting untuk memastikan internet kekal bebas dan terbuka. Penyembunyian identiti juga penting untuk melindungi individu daripada sesuatu yang boleh membahayakan keselamatan mereka contohnya dalam kes keganasan rumahtangga. Selain itu penyembunyian identiti juga akan memastikan pemberi maklumat tidak akan diapa-apakan oleh pihak berkuasa apabila mereka membongkar kes penyalahgunaan kuasa.
6. Akta ini merupakan akta yang tidak digubal dengan baik kerana penggubalan dibuat secara tergesa-gesa tanpa penglibatan rakyat dan tidak menghiraukan kehendak awam.
Perlu ditekankan bahawa akta ini masih belum digazetkan dan dikuatkuasakan lagi. Oleh sebab itu, akta ini perlu segera ditentang dengan cara menandatangani e-petisyen ini.
As Netizens who value internet freedom, we urge the Malaysian Government to withdraw Evidence (Amendment) (No2) Act 2012.
*Section 114A:
– A person whose name, photograph or pseudonym appears on any publication depicting himself as the owner, host, administrator, editor or sub-editor, or who in any manner facilitates to publish or re-publish the publication is presumed to have published or re-published the contents of the publication unless the contrary is proved.
– A person who is registered with a network service provider as a subscriber of a network service on which any publication originates from is presumed to be the person who published or re-published the publication unless the contrary is proved.
– Any person who has in his custody or control any computer on which any publication originates from is presumed to have published or re-published the content of the publication unless the contrary is proved. (Computer here means any data processing device, including tablets, laptops and mobile phones.)
The Netizens against Evidence (Amendment) (No2) Act 2012 petition to Malaysian Government was written by Centre for Independent Journalism and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.