Republican Party of Delaware
United States of America

NOTE: If anyone challenges the accuracy of these claims -- with facts (not insults or opinion) -- you may state your facts to: PeterJFescue@gmail.com

WHEREAS, Tom Ross as Chairman of the Republican Party of Delaware disrespected the Republican voters of Delaware by trying to deprive the voters of a choice in the Republican primary and to decide who voters are allowed to choose, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross was elected Chairman of the Delaware Republican Party in the May 3-4, 2008 Delaware State Republican Convention, and

WHEREAS, Christine O'Donnell was chosen by that same May 2008 Convention as the official nominee of the Republican Party for US Senate in 2008, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross knows that Christine O'Donnell is a competent, honorable candidate because no one objected during 2008 to O'Donnell on the ballot alongside John McCain and Gubernatorial candidate Judge Lee, and

WHEREAS, Christine O'Donnell is and was deserving of respect as the official nominee of the Republican Party for U.S. Senate in 2008, when the Presidency and Governor's mansion were at stake, and received about the same percentage of the vote as John McCain received for President in Delaware, compared with only 32% received by Gubernatorial candidate Judge Bill Lee, and

WHEREAS, from December 2009 to May 2010, Tom Ross and the DEGOP leaders violated the neutrality among primary candidates required BEFORE the Statewide endorsing convention, and

WHEREAS, on December 9, 2009, Karl Rove spoke at Broadlands and also in a private meeting tried to get tea party groups to support Mike Castle, but when the tea party refused, within two weeks Tom Ross and the DEGOP started to circulate a file of dishonest personal smears and attacks on Christine O'Donnell, and

WHEREAS, even after the nominating convention in May 2010, nothing authorizes the Delaware GOP Chairman to engage in nasty personal attacks against any Republican primary candidate, on issues perhaps, but personal smears, no, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross launched extreme mud-slinging and dirty campaigning against Christine O'Donnell (spreading knowingly false attacks), and fed negative and false "information" about Christine O'Donnell to Delaware and national news media as early as March 2010, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross actually knew that Christine O'Donnell rented TWO (2) COMPLETELY SEPARATE small townhouse apartments, one dedicated 100% ONLY to office space for her Senate campaign and meanwhile a completely SEPARATE, DIFFERENT condo used for living space, and yet Tom Ross knowingly lied and spread the slander that O'Donnell's campaign paid "half her rent" (that is, for the condo used 100% for only campaign offices), and

WHEREAS, after the Republican primary on September 14, the Delaware GOP headquarters under Tom Ross' leadership continued to display Mike Castle campaign banners and posters until September 30, and

WHEREAS, after the GOP primary, Tom Ross and his leadership campaigned to persuade Mike Castle to mount a write-in campaign against the Republican nominee, and

WHEREAS, through extreme and extraordinary attacks of a highly personal nature Tom Ross sparked a firestorm of national media attention and criticism, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross broadcast a "robo-call" on primary election day paid for by the Delaware GOP to all Republican voters falsely presenting Kristin Murray as Christine O'Donnell's 2008 campaign manager when in fact Murray was with Christine's 2008 campaign for only 1 1/2 weeks, presenting numerous lies about Christine O'Donnell, and,

WHEREAS, Tom Ross previously fired Kristin Murray from the Delaware State Party and knew that Christine O'Donnell fired her after only 1 1/2 weeks work (spread over 3 weeks), but still falsely presented her as Christine O'Donnell's 2008 campaign manager, and,

WHEREAS, Tom Ross filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against the Tea Party Express and Christine O'Donnell in order to generate negative publicity before the primary, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross' FEC complaint forced the O'Donnell campaign to hold back an enormous amount of campaign funds to pay for legal fees and potential fines, so that the O'Donnell campaign could not spend that money for the election, and

WHEREAS, Tom Ross failed at his duties at party-building, when Democrat voter registration increased by 11.2 % from 2008 to 2010, while Republican voters increased only 2.3 % , and

WHEREAS Tom Ross directly caused the loss of Republican candidates in Nov. 2010 by sabotaging conservative candidates,

We call on the Republican Party County Committees of New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County to officially vote on a FORMAL MOTION OF "NO CONFIDENCE" in Tom Ross as the Chairman of the Delaware State Republican Party, and to ask for Tom Ross' immediate resignation.

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The NO CONFIDENCE vote on Tom Ross, Delaware GOP Chair -- Tom Ross should Resign petition to Republican Party of Delaware was written by Peter Fescue and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.