- Target:
- UN secretary general, Eu union's president
- Region:
- Iran
It took me a while to get around doing this, I apologize for the delay in thanking you all for your participation and support. The cause to save Hussein Khezri in Iran gathered 4800 signatures. Unfortunately the execution machine of the Islamic regime of Iran could not rest without taking Mr Khezri's life. The 28 years young Kurdish political activist.
Iranian political prisoner sentenced to death by Islamic regime in Iran. Hussein Khezri is a 28 year old man and has been arrested at a bus terminal approximately two years ago. He has been tortured and kept in solitary confinement for the first seven months, repeatedly abused and forced to confess guilt when there was none.
He has denied all fabricated charges against him. He could be executed at any time since his appeal has been denied recently.
حسین خضری این جوان ۲۸ساله محکوم به اعدام را حمایت کنیم.
برای نجات او این دادخواست را امضا کرده و به دوستان خود معرفی کید
Your Excellency,
With respect, we would like to bring this cruel and inhuman treatment of Iranian citizens to your attention. We the undersigned request and beg of you to stop the execution of Hussein Khezri. He has been sentenced to death for being against the Islamic establishment in Iran.
This young man denied all the charges brought against him in a show trial, that concluded in eight minutes. We have no other influential authorities to take our grievances to. We expect your speedy actions to save Hussein Khezri from execution.
Please pressure the Islamic Regime to respect Human Rights in Iran, and stop all executions at once.
The Free Hussein Khezri حسین خضری petition to UN secretary general, Eu union's president was written by massoud najare and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.