強烈要求富士康停產整頓 倡議6月8日為「全球悼念富士康自殺工人日」 June 8th: Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn

- Target:
- Region:
- Hong Kong
12 workers have committed suicide as of May 27th at the production facilities of Foxconn Technology Group, a Taiwan-owned enterprise based in Shenzhen. Citizens of the world and members of non-governmental organizations implore workers of Foxconn to cherish their valuable lives, despite the urgent need to protest against their dire working conditions. Suicide should not be a means to protest the harsh management in the factories.
We condemn Foxconn for not having even arranged any public vigils for the deceased workers and bereaved families and colleagues so far. To rub salt into the wound, the CEO of Foxconn Terry Guo asserted cynically that the victims committed suicide in view of the company’s willingness to pay sumptuous amounts of humanitarian aid to their families. This heartless attempt to blame the victims is a despicable attempt to deny responsibility. It is an insult to the dead and an absolutely deplorable act to the public. Noting that Foxconn is a producer of iPhones and Apple launched its 4th generation iPhones on June 8th (Hong Kong time), we have decided to make that date the Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn. We call on citizens in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and all over the world to join us in this commemoration of the workers.
同時,我們呼籲全球消費者,於2010年6月1至30日期間,罷買「蘋果電腦」等富士康主要客戶產品一個月。富士康客戶包括各跨國品牌如蘋果、Nokia、惠普(HP)、戴爾(Dell)等著名電子產品。跨國品牌以價低者得的手段採購電子產品,同時壓縮生產期限,最終須由生產工人付出代價。郭台銘曾透露其「cost down也是一種服務」的策略,向其「一流客戶」提供蝕本價,以搶接訂單。富士康之所以能不斷以低價接單,是因為其不斷壓縮用工成本所達致:富士康國際去年的年報指出,截至2009年年底,集團共擁有雇員11萬8餘人(事實上只是其中一間子公司),較2008年同期的10.8萬人增加1萬,但同時,2009年員工成本總額為僅為4.85億美元,比2008年的6.72億美元大減1.87億美元。富士康為遷就國際品牌客戶的採購策略,以微利與同行競爭,工人備受壓力,「蘋果電腦」等主要品牌難辭其咎。我們強烈要求品牌公司檢討採購模式,消費者有必要以「罷買一個月」的方式推動品牌企業改革。
富士康自殺潮亦表明,現時由四十多個跨國電子品牌組成的「電子企業公民聯盟」(Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition,EICC)未能保護生產工人的健康與權益,其企業社會責任(CSR)機制極須改革,應增加代表性和透明度,並引入工人參與,以遏止生產工人的自殺潮繼續出現。
June 8th: Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn
Imploring workers to cherish their lives
Demanding Foxconn to stop production and reform
Twelve workers have committed suicide as of May 27th at the production facilities of Foxconn Technology Group, a Taiwan-owned enterprise based in Shenzhen. Citizens of the world and members of non-governmental organizations implore workers of Foxconn to cherish their valuable lives, despite the urgent need to protest against their dire working conditions. Suicide should not be a means to protest the harsh management in the factories. We condemn Foxconn for not having even arranged any public vigils for the deceased workers and bereaved families and colleagues so far. To rub salt into the wound, the CEO of Foxconn Terry Gou asserted cynically that the victims committed suicide because of the company’s willingness to compensate their families generously. This heartless effort to blame the victims is a despicable attempt to deny responsibility. It is an insult to the dead and an absolutely deplorable affront to the public. Noting that Foxconn is a producer of iPhones, and that Apple is launching its 4th generation iPhones on June 8th (Hong Kong time), we have decided to make that date the Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn. We call on citizens in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and all over the world to join us in this commemoration of the workers.
Stop production and carry out reform
In this critical time, we strongly urge Foxconn to stop production for a month to probe into the reasons for the high suicide rate in its facilities and to reform its management methods. Workers also need this break to recover physically and psychologically. Regular wages and benefits should remain in effective during this period. In addition, the trade union at Foxconn should be reorganized through democratic elections of leaders, in accordance with the Trade Union Law of China, so that it can defend the rights of workers through collective bargaining. Scandalously, the current president of the trade union, according to media reports, is the secretary of CEO Terry Gou.
Boycott Foxconn’s products, including iPhones, for a month
To increase the pressure, we urge all consumers to boycott Foxconn’s products, such as Apple’s iPhones, for a month, between 1st and 30th June. Foxconn is a supplier to various leading brands including Apple, Nokia, HP, Dell, Sony, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola. International brands constantly drive down prices and demand shorter delivery time when placing orders. To secure contracts, Foxconn minimizes its cost to remain competitive, and transfers the pressure of the increasingly low profit margin to the frontline workers. Workers inevitably suffer as a result. Ironically and tellingly, according to its Annual Reports, between 2008 and 2009, Foxconn International, a subsidiary of the Foxconn Technology Group, increased its workforce by 10,000 (9.7%) to 118,000 strong while its production cost actually declined within the same period to USD 485 million, a drop of USD 187 million or 28%. Analyzing this vicious cycle of exploitation, we must realize that while Foxconn holds primary responsibility in exploiting the workers, global brands like Apple are just as much to blame for this “race to the bottom” game. As such, we strongly demand all brands to examine their inhuman purchasing model.
The tragedies at Foxconn expose the fact that the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), comprised of more than 40 electronic brands, have failed to protect the rights of workers. Its corporate social responsibility mechanism requires immediate and thorough reform. To this end, the EICC should increase its transparency and enable workers to participate in the system. This is the most effective way to stop the recurrence of suicidal cases in the sector.
Initiated by:
Students & Scholars Against Cooperate Misbehavior
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The 強烈要求富士康停產整頓 倡議6月8日為「全球悼念富士康自殺工人日」 June 8th: Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn petition to SACOM was written by boboyip and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.