- Target:
- Pantene
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.animalexperimentspictures.com
This petition is now closed.
Millions of animals are killed from animal testing per year. 94% of testing is for cosmetics and household products leaving only 6% for medical research. Products like PANTENE, neutrogena, dove, and secret deodorant have killed a majority of these animals. Please realize that most of these products don't even require animal testing.
How would you feel if you were being tortured, a slow gruesome death without having any chance to fight back. if there is nothing wrong with animal testing then why don't these products show the people the animals slowly suffering, blood red watering eyes swollen within weeks to the point that they can barely see, why don't they show you how many rabbits broke there necks trying to escape
Everything no matter how big or small has a right. Animals CAN feel EVERYTHING that is happening to them. Most of these sellers are to selfish and ignorant to realize that.
Please sign this petition to help protest against animal testing on pantene. Pantene doesn't even require animal testing.
The Help Stop Animal Testing on Pantene petition to Pantene was written by Samantha Bartmas and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.