- Target:
- Hunters' Union of Serbia, Ministry of agriculture, water-managment and forestry of Serbia
- Region:
- Serbia
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
ENGLISH (Scroll down for Serbian, please)
It is not necessary to be a biologist or a ranger in order to spot that there are no wild animals in most parts of Serbia. It is sufficient to be a humane person and have a walk in a forest or a plane and notice that there is no life, except plants'. There are even no unprotected birds, let alone the protected ones. You may spot a hare here and there what concerns bigger animals, but in thirty visits to nature you'll see only one ran-over fox with its dead offspring. In spite of these facts, the officials do not undertake a measure, which is adopted in many countries – ban hunt. May be hunting is not an exclusive cause of the deserted nature, but it is certainly the main one.
Not only because of the numerous guns in merciless hands, but also for the disturbance, which hunt causes in an area for a long time, and also because of the hurting of people, which often occurs. Instead of the «traditional» chases, followed by folk's festivities, the last could be organised with shooting artificial targets and lectures of celebrities, who promote animal rights.
It is also known that artificial raising of «game» causes misbalance in nature, because the so raised individuals do not comply with the rules, characteristic to their species. For instance, the ducks from incubators do not hatch their eggs, in that way reducing the total number of «fowl». Here we do not ponder over guesses whether there is criminal in hunting in general, «mafia», abuses etc. We are concerned with the well-being of the natural world in our country. Therefore we demand
1. Ban on all kinds of hunting, including chases, for at least three years, in all seasons. 2. Permanent ban on hunting migrating birds in all seasons. 3. Strict control of every kind of fishing. 4. Escalating all penalties for breach of the aforementioned and all existing limitations, permanent disarming inclusive. 5. Permanent ban on breeding “fowl”.
At the end of the second year it will be possible to allow hunting boars (exclusively), if they become very numerous in some areas. Such a permit will be issued by the Ministry of agriculture, water management, and forestry.
The aforementioned measures will be carried out on the whole of the Serbian territory. Adequate non-governmental organisations should be included in the control of their implementation. They should also help hunters to take care of their dogs, if they don’t want to keep them. The NGOs should aid the organisations, that live of hunting, to organise tourist or ecological activities, the so called “safari-tourism”, excursions with cameras etc. There are many more persons with cameras than those with guns.
Nije potrebno biti prirodnjak ili šumar da bi se uočilo kako u većem delu Srbije nema divljih životinja. Dovoljno je biti humana osoba i prošetati šumom ili livadom, pa primetiti da nedostaje život, sem biljnog. Nema ni ptica, koje nisu zaštićene – zeba, slavuja, ševa, senica, detlića, prepelica, mišara – a kamoli zaštićenih. Od krupnijih životinja ćete možda primetiti ponekog zeca, ali u trideset poseta prirodi videćete samo jednu zgaženu lisicu na putu sa nastradalim mladunčetom.
I pored toga, nadležni ne pribegavaju meri kakva je doneta u mnogim zemljama – zabrani lova. Možda nije lov isključivi krivac za pustu prirodu, ali je sigurno glavni. Ne samo zbog brojnih ubojitih pušaka u nemilosrdnim rukama, već i usled uznemiravanja, koje lov prouzrokuje na duže vreme u određenom predelu, a brojna su i ranjavanja ljudi. Umesto "tradicionalnih" hajki s narodnim veseljem, mogu se organizovati narodna veselja sa gađanjem glinenih golubova i posetama istaknutih ličnosti, koje zastupaju zaštitu životinja.
Poznato je i da uzgoj "divljači" dovodi do neravnoteže u prirodi, jer se uzgojene jedinke ne ponašaju u skladu sa zakonitostima, svojstvenim njihovoj vrsti. Patke iz inkubatora, na primer, ne izlegu nasađena jaja, pa se tako smanjuje i broj divljih jedinki. Ovde se nećemo upuštati u nagađanja da li i u ovoj oblasti postoji kriminal, "mafija", zloupotrebe itd. Nas zanima dobrobit živog sveta u našoj zemlji, stoga zahtevamo
1. Zabranu svake vrste lova, uključujući hajke, na najmanje tri godine, u svim sezonama. 2. Trajnu zabranu lova na ptice-selice u svim sezonama. 3. Trajnu zabranu uzgajanja pernate "divljači". 4. Strogu kontrolu svake vrste ribolova. 5. Znatno pooštravanje kazni za kršenje ovih (i dosadašnjih) ograničenja, uključujući i trajno oduzimanje oružja.
Na kraju druge godine moratorijuma moći će da se dozvoli lov na divlje svinje (isključivo), ukoliko se pokaže da su se one prenamnožile u nekim oblastima.
Ove mere će se sprovoditi na području cele Republike Srbije. U nadzor nad njihovim ostvarivanjem treba uključiti odgovarajuća nevladina tela, koja će takodje pomagati lovcima da zbrinu svoje pse, ukoliko ih ne žele zadržati, kao i organizacijama što žive od lova da se bave turističkim i ekološkim delatnostima, tzv. safari-turizmom, izletima s kamerom i fotoaparatom i sl. Daleko više osoba poseduje fotoaparat, nego pušku.
We, the undersigned, demand:
1. Ban on all kinds of hunting, including chases, for at least three years, in all seasons.
2. Permanent ban on hunting migrating birds in all seasons.
3. Strict control of every kind of fishing.
4. Escalating all penalties for breach of the aforementioned and all existing limitations, permanent disarming inclusive.
5. Permanent ban on breeding “fowl”.
Mi, dolepotpisani, zahtevamo: 1. Zabranu svake vrste lova, uključujući hajke, na najmanje tri godine, u svim sezonama.
2. Trajnu zabranu lova na ptice-selice u svim sezonama.
3. Trajnu zabranu uzgajanja pernate "divljači".
4. Strogu kontrolu svake vrste ribolova.
5. Znatno pooštravanje kazni za kršenje ovih (i dosadašnjih) ograničenja, uključujući i trajno oduzimanje oružja.
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The BAN HUNTING in Serbia/ZABRANA LOVA u Srbiji petition to Hunters' Union of Serbia, Ministry of agriculture, water-managment and forestry of Serbia was written by Fondacija "sPas" and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.