- Target:
- EU - European Parliament
- Region:
Dear @ll signers,
thank you so much for your help and your engagement and cooperativeness to sign this petition!
Barbara Kowollik
PS: The petition has arrived in Brussels and carries the official number 662/2009.
Please HELP prevent the European Union from implementing the mass killings of stray animals and the union-wide installation of killing shelters by signing this petition!
The problem:
The growing numbers of abandoned and free-roaming pets (especially dogs and cats) have become a problem in some European states. More and more we are confronted with horrific news about and pictures of animals that have been poisoned or otherwise killed and animals who have been subjected to terrible abuse. Animal welfare activists have been trying for many years to improve the situation for strays and have made great personal and financial efforts to do so. Within the affected countries the legal protection of pets is either missing, completely inadequate or rarely implemented.
In recent times throughout the world and in some European countries strays have been held responsible for the spread of rabies and other diseases. In some countries mass killings of roaming dogs and cats have already been undertaken under this pretence.
The legislators
In May 2008 the European Union published the “European Parliament resolution of 22 May 2008 on a new animal health strategy for the European Union 2007-2013 (2007/2260(INI)). Beside other aspects this strategy provides for a strong dependency on the “Draft guidelines on stray dog population control” of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) formulated by the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Report October 2008). All member states of the EU are members of the OIE as well.
The solution of the stray dog problem in accordance with the OIE
The draft guidelines of the OIE have already accepted methods used by various non-European countries. The guidelines of OIE are strongly targeted on economic aspects. They define clearly the methods required for implementation of containment of rabies connected with the stray problem. The OIE, whose leading commissioners come from countries having problems with strays, naturally support the immediate elimination of the problem. The fastest solution for solving the stray problem according to the OIE guidelines is euthanasia of the animals - especially regarding monetary costs, infrastructure and "unsuitability“ of the animals.
The “humane” methods accepted by the OIE for eliminating stray populations range from the insertion of a captive bolt into the head followed by pithing prior to exsanguination - to death in gas chambers or electrocution.
According to the OIE the responsibility for the decision about the fate of strays living in a certain region is carried by the local authorities alone. Veterinarians and animal welfare organisations are degraded to 'gophers' of the local authorities and their politicians.
The consequences for Europe
This appalling document of the OIE means not only a sentence of death for stray dogs world-wide, it is also approved by the majority of the EU representatives according to the result of their voting on the “European Parliament resolution of 22 May 2008 on a new animal health strategy for the European Union 2007-2013 (2007/2260(INI))”.
However, no such legal frame has yet been passed.
But, because the EU is planning to apply for OIE membership and because all member states of the EU are members of the OIE as well, there exists the great danger that in Europe killing shelters and mass killings of stray animals will be established by law. Such killings will not be performed only in times of acute rabies in some regions. They can be conducted as well in cases where human beings feel bothered or harassed by faeces and noise, or when the animals are feared to be the cause of obstruction of traffic. A dog may be killed if it is said it was dangerous or if a town or a municipality has insufficient financial resources for vaccination or castration or to keep animals in a shelter for a longer period of time. We all know, what can happen if local authorities are the decision makers (see e.g. Serbia, Turkey, China, etc.)!
Instead of stopping the mass production of pets, the uncontrolled breeding and the mass import of kittens and puppies, the OIE allows such “breeders” to continue their business with impunity. The OIE wishes only that dog breeders and dealers should be encouraged to form or join an appropriate association. Euthanasia of our companion animals becomes a solution for a human-made problem that people are not willing to solve. To eliminate the stray problem people need to develop compassion or responsibility. But in fact people will be encouraged to act irresponsibly if the right to kill pets is handed to them.
The right to practise euthanasia in order to eliminate a self-created problem makes things easy for politicians and obviates the necessity of teaching their citizens to treat animals with respect. The high standards of animal welfare in Europe and the decades of efforts to produce better animal welfare of many persons will go for nothing. The brutalisation of humans towards their companion animals will be another consequence.
Some countries, where today an effective animal welfare exists, will have to get used to the legalised and arbitrary killing of their pets by local authority diktat. In the same manner animals will be increasingly treated as disposable by irresponsible people.
Our claims
With regard to animals that have been maltreated, abused and abandoned, we do have to protest against legislation that legalises the killing of pets and stray animals. This petition aims to prevent such legislation from coming into effect and make sure that the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (Strasbourg, 13.XI.1987) will be improved.
This petition supports legislation that protects stray animals in Europe and does not hand them over to be killed by local authorities.
Our thanks go to all who sign this petition and fight to help the strays in Europe.
The petition will be closed latest May 3rd 2009!
Documentary reference:
Written declaration on the welfare of pets and stray animals pursuant to Rule 116 of the Rules of Procedure by Alain Hutchinson, David Hammerstein and Neil Parish on the welfare of pets and stray animals
Animal Health: prevention is better than cure
Written comments of the Community on the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code following the Terrestrial Animal Health Standard Commission meeting of October 2008 and prior to its next meeting in March 2009.
The new Animal Health Strategy - Strategy's progress
Paris, 2–6 March 2009
Comment of the petition’s author: This petition is linked IN NO CASE to any political party, organisation or association! - March, 12th 2009, Barbara Kowollik
Photo reference
Reschitz_-_La_Salas_01.jpg / PIXELIO'
Important note regarding the copyright:
Because this petition was partly copied and changed by unauthorized people I am forced to point out, that I hold the copyright of this petition in its whole!
Barbara Kowollik, July 22nd 2010
To the European Parliament
in its total of all representatives
of the Member States of the European Union
Petition on the welfare of pets and stray animals in Europe
According to the written declaration by Alain Hutchinson, David Hammerstein and Neil Parish on the welfare of pets and stray animals
as well as in knowledge of the applicable European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (CETS No.125),
and fully aware of Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,
we request on the European Parliament, on the Commission and Council and on its President
A. whereas there is no uniform or specific text relating to the protection of pets and stray animals that applies to all the Member States,
B. whereas the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals is incomplete and has not been signed by all the Member States,
C. whereas in many Member States there are still cases of mistreatment of pets and stray or abandoned animals,
1. to introduce measures to ensure that Member States impose severe punishments on people who abandon or mistreat a pet or a stray animal, and to mandate Member States to put in place a system of management at national level for collection, sterilization and vaccination;
2. to call upon all the Member States to sign the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals and to adopt the new measures;
3. to sanction any Member States that fail to comply with the above Convention and the new measures to be adopted;
4. to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the parliaments of the Member States, the Council and the Commission.
Above this written declaration on the welfare of pets and stray animals
and in knowledge of the European Parliament resolution of 22 May 2008 on a new animal health strategy for the European Union 2007-2013 (2007/2260(INI))
we claim
1) the implementation of these measures shall in no case be conducted by total or partial adoption of or in dependence of the recommended “euthanasia program” of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) (named: “STRAY DOG POPULATION CONTROL“ formulated by the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Report October 2008) and revised in March 2009);
2) NOT to approve or to enact the implementation of killing pounds or killing shelters, or reception camps where animals are killed as well as killing actions against stray animals and free roaming pets plus the killing of pets and stray animals being captured in shelters or camps after a certain time limit;
3) to ban the killing of pets and domestic animals in the non-food sector according to the OIE standard like using captive bolt methods and pithing, exsanguinations, gassing, eletrocution or by clubbing and furthermore poisoning, culling, wirering and other painful inhumane methods;
4) to ban the killing of pets and domestic animals in the non-food sector by hunting;
5) to ban all activities of stray animal hunters and catchers and payment of “coat prizes.”
6) NOT to deliver the arbitrament about killing of pets and stray animals to local administrative authorities of counties, townships and counties but instead to use for such occasions educated and specialized personnel like veterinarians:
7) to catch strays only for the purposes of vaccination, sterilization, reassignment or re-owning to new owners or to give charity to them,
8) the ban of catching strays for the purposes of delivery or sale to research and/or experimental laboratories,
9) to establish comprehensive vaccination und sterilization programs,
10) to define monitoring measures for controlling breeders of pet and other animals in the non-food sector;
11) the implementation universally valid guidelines for associations of breeders;
12) to ban the breeding of pets and other domestic animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats etc.) in pure commercial and profit-making purpose;
13) to ban the breeding or selling of domestic animals and pets of breeders who are not organized in of the EU accepted associations (requires No. 11)) and who keep/breed animals in abusive manner.
14) to ban mass productions of animals, e.g. so called puppy mills
15) to ban the import of puppies (dogs) and kittens (cats)
16) to support animal shelters and animal welfare organisations in animal welfare actions like castration programs or educational advertising within the citizenship;
17) to implement animal welfare as subject in schools,
18) the establishment of educational programs on responsible pet ownership to ensure responsible and careful handling of animals,
19) to renounce the accession as member of the OIE, to ensure the independency and autonomy of the EU from any lobbyists groupings and to guarantee a high level animal welfare in the EU further on in future.
We thank you for considering our claims!
The Against killing of strays within the European Union petition to EU - European Parliament was written by Barbara Kowollik and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.