- Target:
- President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
- Region:
- Russia
We ask for your immediate help because homeless dogs and cats are being ruthlessly murdered for no reason according to the orders of the municipal authorities which contradict and violate the Laws aimed at protection of animals against cruelty.
Starting from 2002 in Moscow a State Sterilization Program was launched, aimed at reduction of the number of excessive homeless animals (dogs) – thousands of volunteers took active part in implementation of this Program, the number of dogs stopped growing and many people adopted homeless pets right from the streets.
There are laws which protect animals against cruelty but these laws are being violated by the municipal authorities all over Moscow and Moscow Region.
Starting from July 2008 in Moscow and all over Russia there is a total liquidation of dogs and cats off the streets as it was ordered by the high standing officials. According to the Decree of Moscow Government No 2460-РП issued 06.11.2007 there are dog shelters to be constructed by year 2010 for the total number of animals as 26 thousand species. There are two animal shelters the construction of which has not yet been completed and the First deputy Mayor Peter Biryukoff has ordered to place all dogs to these unfinished shelters – all 26 thousand dogs!!! Another high ranking official – the Governor of Moscow Region Boris Gromov has ordered to kill all street dogs.
The volunteers cannot get truthful information on the dogs being caught from the streets, the witnesses of such actions saw that the dogs were murdered (poison shots) – moreover, the people who want to visit the municipal shelters in order to continue taking care of the dogs, are banned to get in. The shelters are not allowed for visitations. Those who had the chance of getting to the territory of the shelters saw an ugly picture of animals being hardly alive – without water, without food and being in cages without heating.
During seven years (2002-2008) the animal protection organizations and individuals have been fighting for the dogs and their right to live and be protected, in December 2008 there was a meeting held against the cruel and unlawful order of the First Deputy Mayor to catch all dogs and cats. The high ranking authorities and the municipal officers give oral promises and assured the pet defenders that the dogs are being taken care of in the shelters whereas in reality the dogs were killed in cold blood at once by way of poison shots or left to die without water, food and heating.
We are asking you to help us to stop the criminal actions of the Moscow Government and the criminal actions against dogs and cats and their mass murder in the Moscow Region. The actions of the municipal officials are a crime against humanity and against civilization.
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The Protect homeless dogs and cats in the Moscow Region petition to President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was written by alexandra and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.