#Films & Movies
Wachowski brothers

In 1999 a film named "The Matrix" changed the way we think, the way we see, the way we believe. Later in the year 2003 the sequel "Matrix Reloaded" gave birth to unlimited visual satisfaction and a whole new category of films. Finally, few months later the final part "Matrix Revolutions" was released and brought an epic world to us but also sadness. Sadness, as it is the end of the trilogy.

Everything that has a begging has an end, or not!

It's time to believe!

We want Matrix 4!

We kindly request to Wachowski Brothers the creation of Matrix 4. It is no longer a movie. It is a need!

We need Matrix 4!

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The We want Matrix 4 NOW!!! petition to Wachowski brothers was written by Giannis and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.