- Target:
- Pampers, Proctor & Gamble, Unicef
- Region:
- United States of America
Ban Pampers Products.
Pampers/Proctor & Gamble has started a controversial ad campaign promoting tetanus shots through Unicef. They are donating .05 cents from the sale of their diapers and wipes, with a *Target* of giving 45 millions neonatal tetanus shots to pregnant women, mostly in poor, underdeveloped countries.
Tetanus shots are dangerous, and the adjuvants in them are known to cross the placenta and brain barriers. It is my intention for P&G to stop this damaging campaign that may contribute to harming pregnant women, with these controversial shots, as well as the potential to harm their unborn babies, with birth defects, spontaneous abortions, and possible stealth ingredients to sterilize, hidden in these tetanus shots. That has happened in the past and is well documented!
NOTE: More men than women contract tetanus. And if consenting adults want to get a normal tetanus shot, at least let the pregnant women give birth before offering these free vaccines. Free is a shoddy way to Mandate global vaccinations!. Uninformed is not truthful consent.
Give them the opportunity to know and understand the Full Information/insert label warnings, cautions, side effects etc., in order for them to make that "Informed" Choice and decision
Proctor & Gamble does not apprear to be overly concerned about popular opinion with this current and controversial vaccine ad campaign, as per their nebulous response to me that they feel they are doing a good thing. Their timing with this campaign is not good, giving the growing concern about vaccine dangers, efficacy, injuries, autism and deaths. In their continued progression of this campaign, with what they say is their interest in saving women and babies, they may well be doing their part in contributing to harming and killing 45 million pregnant women and/or their unborn children.
Unicef's other various vaccine programs, may contribute to harming millions more.
It is the feeling of this petitioner that P&G could be spending those donations in a more positive, purposeful light. That being: donations to research for autism spectrum, vaccine dangers/injury awareness, and information about rights NOT to vaccinate. Or to give these pregnant women, food, vitamens, better water sources and sanitation, as well as prenatal care.
At the very least, give THEM diapers and wipes, NOT Vaccines!
Vaccines are an iffy science, with little proof that they protect against any disease. With vaccines components given unnaturally thru vaccines, the studies are poor in understanding damages that can occur. and the adjuvants in them that can cause adverse reactions, especially in infants, such as encephalitis, seizures, serious site infections and other life-long neurological and autoimmune diseases, not to mention the high incidents of vaccine-induced infant mortality.
The tetanus vaccine is no more effective than any of the others. It also is counterproductive. It will INCREASE, Not Decrease the risk of tetanus, and many people actually get tetanus from the vaccines. Read Link.
Tetus Shot adjuvant: What is in a Tetanus vaccine?
Read Link.
What Unicef is giving is called Neonatal tetanus vaccines. They are not even the standard tetanus shot one gets after stepping on a rusty nail. More info on these.
*So SIGN this petition Today, to help stop this horrific Pampers promotion, and by Banning Pamper's sale of diapers and wipes, and other products.
Below is the link to Protor & Gamble's currant Ad promo running in the media. It offers a Thermometer that tells how these sales are growing, per million.
Tell everyone you know to stop buying Pampers as well. Pass this petition along to any interested Groups you link with. Would like for this to become a very Big anti-promotion campaign.
Proctor & Gamble needs to hear from all of us. Leave your comments if you care to. We need to make a difference NOW, before these 45 million tetanus shots start to be dispersed. Thank YOU!
NOTE: this is not a Debate about vaccines or anything else. If you agree with this petition, Sign IT.
If not, Dont sign and leave negative comments.
Ban Pamper's diapers and Wipes.
Please SIGN to stop immediately the current and controversial Ad promotion by Proctor & Gamble, to donate a percentage of sales to Unicef, for Free neonatal tetanus shots to underprivelidged pregnant women.
This petitional message is backed and affirmed by many autism groups, women's groups, antivaccine groups, health groups, freedom groups, healthgivers, caregivers, parents, grandparent, and concerned citizens.
PAMPERS/Proctor&Gamble needs to steer clear, far far away from of the deceptive and dasterdly Vaccine for Profit, Drug Cartel Business!!!
Stop buying P&G products until they Pull this Campaign, or change it to one that is truely beneficial to the well-being of women and babies. These signature votes will be forwarded to Proctor & Gamble as they accumulate.
P&G must be made aware that what they are doing could be ultimately detrimental and distructful for so many many lives of women and babies around the world.
All Signers shall make their voice heard, with comments optional, to Proctor & Gamble, imploring them to stop and decease this Pamper's/Unicef vaccine advertising campaign immediately. By P&G being the shill for Unicef tetanus vaccines, they dont have to disclose vital vaccine information, the way regular vaccine makers are required to do, in media advertising.
We, the undersigned, call on Proctor & Gamble to discontinue their current Unicef vaccine promotion advertising campaign.
Saving one child at a time.
No_Forced_Vaccines ~ Natural Solutions Foundation NSF
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Ban Pamper's Products petition to Pampers, Proctor & Gamble, Unicef was written by faerie1952 and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.