#Local Government
Mayor and City Council of Maitland Florida
United States of America

State Accreditation is the highest standard that a Police / Fire Department can receive. To earn this designation the agency in question needs to attain an overall level of proficiency in service delivery, operations, record keeping, process, etc.

What this means for you and me is that we are assured that our emergency personnel have achieved and maintain the highest standards in their care of us. In essence it would be like going to a "Board Certified" Doctor versus a "Non Board Certified" Doctor.

Beyond the highest level of service, this accreditation allows us to earn greater grant money from various agencies. For example, if two otherwise equal agencies are applying for a grant, than more likely than not the agency that has accreditation will earn the grant versus a non accredited agency.

In Maitland our Police Department first earned State Accreditation about 4 years ago and was re-accredited 2 years ago (no easy task). Last year our Fire Department began the process of attempting to earn its accreditation, it is important that they achieve this standard.

Usually it is an annual evaluation that occurs at a given time of year for all agencies.

We, the undersigned, The Citizens Of Maitland Florida do strongly urge the Mayor of Maitland and the Maitland City Council to continue to fund while striving towards maintaining and earning State Accreditation for our Police and Fire Departments.

With continued State Accreditation, the business' and residents of Maitland can be assured the highest level of Protection, Safety and Service when it pertains keeping our homes and families safe day or night, 365 Days per year and most importantly at times of needed emergency response from our Public Safety Personnel.

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The Protect Maitland Citizens with State Police and Fire Department Accredidation petition to Mayor and City Council of Maitland Florida was written by bruce grossman and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.