#Human Rights
Students of Handong Global University & Family Residents
South Korea

Handong Global University is declared as an "International University." Yet, they put out rules and regulations that give advantages to Korean students and to MK's (missionary kids) or PK's (Pastor kids).

In order to receive an academic scholarship @ this school, foreign students must reach a GPA of 4.5 while other students such as missionary kids and kids from 3rd world countries only need a 2.5 GPA. Furthermore, during the summer and winter breaks, volunteer work to help countries in need are offered. However, favor is only given to students who are Korean or missionary kids which I find to be unfair for our future depends on good deeds we have done during our attendance at the university.

Thirdly, there are not enough English-speaking professors @ this so-called international university and there are no major courses offered during summer or winter breaks so foreigners have to stay longer in order to fulfill their credit requirements.

I say, that if Handong Global University is an "International University" it should live up to its' name, don't you think?

This is a petition for changing the rules and regulations of discrimination against foreigners @ this so-called international university to make it a more fair university.

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The Fair Treatment of Foreign Students @ Handong Global University petition to Students of Handong Global University & Family Residents was written by Passie Change and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.